I adopted a old dog how can I teach him how to "say " to go out ? He is peeing in the carpet.?

I adopted a old dog how can I teach him how to "say " to go out ? He is peeing in the carpet.?

    I adopted a old dog how can I teach him how to "say " to go out ? He is peeing in the carpet.?

    I adopted a old dog how can I teach him how to "say " to go out ? He is peeing in the carpet.?...
    General Dog Discussions : I adopted a old dog how can I teach him how to "say " to go out ? He is peeing in the carpet.?...

    • I adopted a old dog how can I teach him how to "say " to go out ? He is peeing in the carpet.?

      I adopted a old dog how can I teach him how to "say " to go out ? He is peeing in the carpet.? General Dog Discussions
      I adopted a old dog how can I teach him how to "say " to go out ? He is peeing in the carpet.?

      I adopted a old dog how can I teach him how to "say " to go out ? He is peeing in the carpet.?

      I adopted a old dog how can I teach him how to "say " to go out ? He is peeing in the carpet.? General Dog Discussions
    • It's far easier to keep an eye on him and when he gets up grab him and take him outside.He will begin to associate going outside with taking a wizz and make the connection himself.This may take a week or two of jumping up and down after him.

    • I'm not really sure what you mean by say; our dog comes up to you and paws at you, which is her sign she is asking to go outside. If that doesn't work, usually I'm watching television or reading, she then goes to the back door and scratches once or twice. I don't know what to tell you, it will sort of come naturally with a dog. Take him out every two hours, and then if he wants more he'll start annoying you x.

    • Why not give him planned potty breaks? He'll need to go soon after he awakes in the morning, a few minutes after breakfast and dinner, the last thing before bedtime, and every six hours during the day. If he is really old, over ten years, then I'd take him out every five hours during the day. Make sure to clean every place he has had an accident in the house with white wine vinegar or a commercial enzyme cleaner that removes all urine odor. If he can smell it he may go there again.

    • Take him out to where you want him to pee many times a day. On the times he goes potty praise him like crazy to make sure he knows how happy you are that he is going in that spot. Pretty soon he will ask to go out so he can get that praise. You will need to learn to read his body language so you know when hes asking.

    • First, thanx for adopting an older dog. They are the best. Your dog is probably letting you know, but just like a 2 year old child, there isn't much time in between letting you know and then suddenly going. When they do go outside, remember to praise them... like "good Rocky go pee pee."I have a 12 year old dog. At one point she to wear baby diapers where I would cut a hole in the diaper. Ultimately, I moved to an apartment without carpet. A few months ago, she started having accidents and I took her to the vet, and he diagnosed her with a urinary tract infection. After a couple of weeks of antibiotics, she has had only 1 accident in the past month. Before moving to my apartment without carpet, I had bought a rug from Walmart and placed it on the carpet. I invested in a cheap but good carpet cleaner and some pet urine cleaner. It is just part of having an older dog. Just like there are challenges with a puppy. If we are lucky, we will all get old... Good luck.

    • the best way to get your dog to go out is to take him out every hour on the hour, before and after meals and before you go to bed and right when you get up.once you get this down you can take a bell and hang it on the door. ring it every time you go outside (i do this for my dogs) this is great for dogs that wont bark at the door.your pup will get the idea that when you ring it they go out.if you are having a hard time getting him to go out leave a soft leash on them so when they start to circle or sniff around you can grab them and take them out.remember to reward them for going outside. good poop or good peepee. NEVER rub their nose in it if they go inside, that does nothing to them.hope this helps

    • Have you considered crate training? It might sound inhuman, but according to mrbrainiac.com: "Given the right training, dogs will view crates as a second home and a security blanket against the unknown."That way you can better keep an eye on him - take him out when you are around and are able to monitor him. As he gets older and better trained, he won't need the crate.