How to Stop Border Collie from Running Away?

We have a border collie that is about 3 and 1/2 years old she is absolutely great except for when we let her run free in our yard. Our yard has a fence, but no matter what we do she manages to escape and then she is way too fast to catch. Is there a way …

    How to Stop Border Collie from Running Away?

    We have a border collie that is about 3 and 1/2 years old she is absolutely great except for when we let her run free in our yard. Our yard has a fence, but no matter what we do she manages to escape and then she is way too fast to catch. Is there a way …...
    Dog Breed Discussions : How to Stop Border Collie from Running Away?...

    • How to Stop Border Collie from Running Away?

      How to Stop Border Collie from Running Away? Dog Breed Discussions
      We have a border collie that is about 3 and 1/2 years old she is absolutely great except for when we let her run free in our yard. Our yard has a fence, but no matter what we do she manages to escape and then she is way too fast to catch. Is there a way to train her to not run away from us. We have used a shock collar before, because it got to be so bad. I don't really want to use it again, but if I have to I will.

      How to Stop Border Collie from Running Away?

      How to Stop Border Collie from Running Away? Dog Breed Discussions
    • My guess is that she is running because of boredom or lack of exercise. If you exercise her in a controlled way like a bicycle run or a long walk on a leash she may be less inclined to run. Border collies need to be stimulated mentally every day as they are a working breed. Perhaps you can find a way to do some agility training to work her mind and body. Obedience training will be helpful in getting her to come back on command. Good luck.

    • we had a boy dog that would run away so we got him neutered didnt work so we have to walk him on a leash and if hes outside hes got to be in a 6 ft fence or he'll jump it

    • Like Becky said it's out of boredom. How often do you walk her? If possible take her for half an hours walk in the morning, an hour and a half/two hours during the day and another half hour walk in the evening. During the walks play with her, practise training, possible encourage her to swim. Also en roll in a new sport with her. Is he from working stock? Of so give herding a go. You could also try out agility and fly ball; something that Collies excel in. It will tire her out and keep her entertained so that she has no reason to want to escape. Also try spending more time with her instead of keeping her outside because she is bored and lonely out there.

    • She probably ran away because of the shock collar. Border Collies are, without a doubt, the smartest of breeds. If she does not come when called, it's because of external circumstances, such as being punished when she obeys. If I were you, I'd realize I was in over my head, decide not to be on a power trip, take the high road and find another home her. However, if you decide to keep her, you definitely need to regain her trust. First, don't let her out without a long line. Continually practice recalls and sit stays either on a leash or in an enclosed area. Go heavy on the treats. If she can consistently do a sit-stay at the end of a 100' long line, it's time to move on to the next step by repeating the exercise in a different place (like a mall).If possible, enroll her in agility (Border Collies almost always place in competition). At the very least, give her tons of mental stimulation. Teach her how to track, herd sheep (this should be a natural), turn on lights, open refrigerator doors, do flyball.Best of luck, and I'm sorry the first part of my response was harsh.

    • 1st. When your dog runs don't chase after them! They'll just continue to run from you thinking it is a game. I suggest you stay put & even sit down, ignore her & she'll prolly come back around to see what the heck is up lolI have the same problem w/my Husky Mix. He doesn't escape from the yard but sometimes if you leave a door open he'll bolt out & harass the neighborhood dogs lol I just sit back n let him run around because I know he still isn't expert on his off leash recalls & I don't want to enforce bad behavior. He doesn't run away, he stays w/in bounds & once he's all pooped out he returns.For dogs as smart as ours, simply running around the backyard isn't as fun as we think lol so what I've noticed that helps is if you're able to allow your dog to run around somewhere safe & off leash. I take my dog to the lake & we go hiking constantly so luckily his need to run & be free is satisfied.My Husky Mix gets daily 2-3 mile walks & a couple times a wk we go biking, so I think these kinds of dogs just want to have total freedom every once in a while :)