How old do labs have to be to get their first shots,and be spade?

How old do labs have to be to get their first shots,and be spade?

    How old do labs have to be to get their first shots,and be spade?

    How old do labs have to be to get their first shots,and be spade?...
    General Dog Discussions : How old do labs have to be to get their first shots,and be spade?...

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    • How old do labs have to be to get their first shots,and be spade?

      How old do labs have to be to get their first shots,and be spade? General Dog Discussions
      How old do labs have to be to get their first shots,and be spade?

      How old do labs have to be to get their first shots,and be spade?

      How old do labs have to be to get their first shots,and be spade? General Dog Discussions
    • It varies depending on who you ask, even vets may give you different answers.Typically the earliest you want to start giving shots is 8 weeks. Before then the immunities that are passed to the puppies from their mom's may still be in effect and prevent the vaccinations from working all the way. The earliest to get them spayed is 3 months, but some vets like to wait longer because they think it is healthier for the dog. Mine wants us to wait until our lab is 4 months.

    • Hi there I am Veterinarian Technition and your question is a common one! I get asked this daily!! Puppies have to be 8 weeks old to receive shots such as DHLPP/C (distempter), Bordatella (Kennel Cough), and Lyme (Lyme disease is common in certain states like CT). At 12 weeks old puppies can get their first Rabies Vaccine. Heatworm checks start at 1 year of age and should be re-tested annually even if your dog is on heartworm preventive (heartguard, interceptor) year round. It is safe to spay a puppy at around 10-12 weeks, HOWEVER, I do not recommend that! Wait until you pup is 6 months old to spay and I recommend having your vet do pre-aneth. bloodwork (tests levels in the kidneys and liver) to ensure you baby is healthy enough to be put under. Good luck with your lab!