Do dogs need vaccination? How often and how much?

Im trying to get a dog and yeah.How much does it costA 5 wk old pup7y

    Do dogs need vaccination? How often and how much?

    Im trying to get a dog and yeah.How much does it costA 5 wk old pup7y...
    General Dog Discussions : Do dogs need vaccination? How often and how much?...

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    • Do dogs need vaccination? How often and how much?

      Do dogs need vaccination? How often and how much? General Dog Discussions
      Im trying to get a dog and yeah.How much does it costA 5 wk old pup7y

      Do dogs need vaccination? How often and how much?

      Do dogs need vaccination? How often and how much? General Dog Discussions
    • A 5 week old pup is 3-5 weeks too young to take away from its mother and littermates. It learns a LOT during those 5 weeks, and if you take it home before then, you'll have to teach it those things - and it won't be easy, because you're not a dog.Puppies need puppy shots at 8 weeks and 13 weeks. Then they need boosters every year thereafter.Can't help with the cost, though. Call a few vets in your area to find out what they charge. I live in the country, and the vets out here charge about 1/2 - 1/3 of what is charged in the suburbs and cities.Good luck!

    • Yes they should get their distemper shot(s) Their Rabies shots and a few other. I wouldn't skip on them unless you much. The cost verries depending on state and vet hospital.. My one distemper test cost me 33.00 total and that included Dr visit but that was a package deal. but that was a kitten. You could always try calling vet schools in your area and see if they discount shots. That probably isn't an option unless you are a student but you could try. Call around and get prices. Also I would get him fixed at around 6 months just so he isn't so aggressive and isn't trying to excape to get to females in heat.

    • rabies shotparvo shot (I think that's what it's called. it's a puppy disease)heartworm medicinieflea and tick medicinefoodcollarleashchain for outside (or a kennel)these are your starting costs. don't forget if he gets sick you'll have to take him to the vet. the cost of these things really depend on the vet that you go to and what breed of dog. if you know the breed, call a vet and ask what will need to be done.

    • Yes your dog definitly needs shots. Especially since it is a puppy, you will have to get it a series of puppy shots. You will need to get a rabies shot as well as a combo shot that protects against such things as parvo (which is very important to protect your dog against because this is easy to contract, and very difficult to cure). Prices on shots varies quite a bit depending on which vet clinic you go to. I would just start calling vets in your area and getting their prices. Also the intial series of shots means you have to take your puppy in every three-four weeks for the first couple of months so they can get all of their shots. After that you have to take them in every year for the combo shot, and depending on where you live the rabies shot could have to given somewhere between every year to every three years. Also remember that with a dog you will have to put it on flea and heartworm prevention (there are a few locations where they are not present, but those are few and far between).Hope this helps!

    • YES, dogs need vaccinations- a puppy that has just left its mother will need the full series of vaccinations- distemper, parvovirus, coronavirus, rabies, ghiardia, etc. The first battery of tests will run you anywhere from $100-$200. Then the dog will need annual booster shots of the various vaccinations, and the boosters usually run about $50-60 with an annual checkup.Vaccinating your dog properly is a very important part of being a pet owner, so be sure you can afford all that goes with having a dog, rather than just the initial price of the dog at the pound or pet store. In addition to the vaccinations, you have to get it some flea and tick prevention and heartworm prevention meds, because dogs can contract heartworm, which is potentially fatal, from mosquito bites, and fleas- well, you don't want your dog to have fleas, trust me.Also, don't forget that you will need to get him/her spayed or neutered to control the pet population and to make them less aggressive. That costs a few hundred dollars for that operation, even more if you do it when they're already sexually mature, but it is necessary to get it done.

    • Please be responsible and do NOT bring home a pup at 5 weeks of age. That is just way too early to remove the pup from the dam and the rest of the litter.If this is an orphan pup it would be a different story but you didn't mention that.I would refer to you Dr. Jean Dodd's vaccination protocol. Over vaccination of our dogs is causing probably as many problems as poor/irresponsible breeding practices.A 5 week old pup is too young to vaccinate. Link is provided below with a guideline for vaccinations -when to give and how often.Please refer to it, heck I would recommend you copy it and bring it along to the vet for the first appointment.*Grace86 and others that are recommending bombarding a pup with combo vaccines and rabies, I suggest you do further research. Combo vaccines are a huge problem and if you haven't ever dealt with the consequences of this then you have just been very lucky. Are you familiar with addisons disease? Allergies? Cancer? Hypothyroidism? Autoimmune disease?How about anaphylactic reactions? Add a rabies vaccine to a combo and you are far from giving your pup a good start in life. Core vaccines for dogs are:DistemperAdenovirusParvovirusRabies - can you tell me why they don't give rabies to humans?! I've heard they bite too.

    • You really should only adopt a puppy that is at least 7 weeks old, but preferably 8 weeks. I KNOW how hard it is to wait that long for your puppy (My puppy was 3 weeks when I first saw her and I couldn't get her for another 4.) From week 6 to week 8 a puppy learns it's most important lessons; what is acceptable in a pack, who is dominant, how to be a viable member of the pack, etc.Yes, every dog (I don't care what you're grammy says) NEEDS yearly vaccinations, monthly heartworm prevention, AND flea and tick protection!A puppy needs to be dewormed. The puppy needs to go through 3 sets of vaccinations: at 6, 9 and 12 weeks.Different Vaccinations That Your Dog Needs:- Distemper- Adenovirus Type 2- Parainfluenza (Usually included in another vaccination)- Parvovirus- Coronavirus (Your vet will tell you if it is necessary)- Bordetella- Lyme disease (Your vet can tell you whether it is necessary to protect against this disease in your area.)- RabiesBesides, in all states, rabies vaccinations are required by law.The average cost for dog vaccinations ranges from $20 to $150 in the first year, and from $10 to $100 per year afterwardHeartworm Protection costs anywhere from $25-$60 for a 3 month supply. (Trust me, you NEED this. I've seen what heartworm does to a dog and how easily it can be contracted.)Flea and tick Protection costs anywhere from $6-$20 for a 3 month supply of "spot-on" treatment. "Spot on" are the best kind. They're the kind that you squeeze out of a tube onto your dog's back.