My dog has some sort of little black bump on her head?

like its small and black it sorta looks like a tic but it looks like its stuck on her head. im really worried is it the start of a disease or something? shes just a as if a small black pimple....

    My dog has some sort of little black bump on her head?

    like its small and black it sorta looks like a tic but it looks like its stuck on her head. im really worried is it the start of a disease or something? shes just a as if a small black pimple.......
    General Dog Discussions : My dog has some sort of little black bump on her head?...

    • My dog has some sort of little black bump on her head?

      My dog has some sort of little black bump on her head? General Dog Discussions
      like its small and black it sorta looks like a tic but it looks like its stuck on her head. im really worried is it the start of a disease or something? shes just a as if a small black pimple....

      My dog has some sort of little black bump on her head?

      My dog has some sort of little black bump on her head? General Dog Discussions
    • It could possibly be a tick .. what ever you do DO NOT squeeze it . If it is a tick and you squeeze it the tick will secrete a poison into the dog which could be harmful. There are a few ways to remove it but the best is to take it to a vet.

    • it still might be a tick but they don't "secrete poison" . Deer ticks can be the carriers of Lyme disease and yes squeezing them can sometimes cause the infection but usually that occurs almost immediately after the bite anyway. Moles can sometimes look like ticks but if you have never noticed this before it is still likely to be a tick. Have a vet check it out.