I just got a puppy, what do i do next!!?

i just got it, i need to buy a lil house for it, food the obvious, what are some other things you guys recommend i buy for it ??flea collar? vaccinations etc????? toys???? and how long would it take to "potty train"a puppy ???any other tips//suggestions…

    I just got a puppy, what do i do next!!?

    i just got it, i need to buy a lil house for it, food the obvious, what are some other things you guys recommend i buy for it ??flea collar? vaccinations etc????? toys???? and how long would it take to "potty train"a puppy ???any other tips//suggestions…...
    General Dog Discussions : I just got a puppy, what do i do next!!?...

    • I just got a puppy, what do i do next!!?

      I just got a puppy, what do i do next!!? General Dog Discussions
      i just got it, i need to buy a lil house for it, food the obvious, what are some other things you guys recommend i buy for it ??flea collar? vaccinations etc????? toys???? and how long would it take to "potty train"a puppy ???any other tips//suggestions on taking care of a puppy are welcomed!!!!!

      I just got a puppy, what do i do next!!?

      I just got a puppy, what do i do next!!? General Dog Discussions
    • first, take her to the vet for any necessary vaccinations and health check. get lots of little toys to chew on, cuz puppies chew alot. a good idea is to get her a crate and crate train her, you can get a book on that. puppy pads help with potty training, took me a couple of weeks to get my dog fully potty trained. good luck!

    • Be extremely careful buying it flea collars. Alot of dogs have serious reactions to them. Don't try to potty train them until they're atleast 5 months because they're too young and nieve still. Most dogs adore it outside so take him/her outside sometimes and he'll eventually start going outside. dogs love bones to chew on, which will also help save your shoes and other items. potty training normally takes about 5 months or so. go to a vet or petstore and get heartworm pills and flea drops. Go to like a dollar general and buy a bottle of Flinstones vitamins and give him either .5 or a whole one a day and he'll keep pretty fur. they LOVE treats but only give them to him when he's done something you're proud of! btw, the vet should know the vaccinations he needs and when he needs them. dogs vary on vaccination dates and kinds.

    • Well what kind of pup did you get???You should have food already and a place for the pup to be in.Some bowls for the food and water. Lots of paper towels to pick up all the accidents. Leash, collar. chew toys. Make an appointment at the vets tomorrow they can tell you about flea meds and any other things your pup will have to get.Potty training is up to you if your diligent then it may take only a month if your not than longer.

    • Grooming supplies you don't want a dog with ratty fur,dental care like a doggie tooth brush with a meat flavored tooth paste to keep his/her teeth clean and bretahe smelling fresh, flee collar,chew toys you don't want your puppy chewing furniture,they have a scented potty sheet that you stick ne where and only the dog can smell it.....it attracts the dog when it has to go potty,make sure the kennel is in your room so it doesn't feel alone or scared

    • If you do a web search you can probably find more details on how to care for a puppy. A lot depends on how old the puppy is. If it is very young still, give it appropriate food (puppy food, its teeth are still baby teeth). You can start housebreaking it by taking it on many walks and praising it when it does its business outside. Puppies do need to be vaccinated (I think there are 2 sets you need to get them at different ages). Since it's a new puppy, I'd take it to the vet just for an initial checkup to make sure everything is good. Vet can check for fleas too (and will tell you how to handle fleas depending on how old the puppy is). Give it a bed (or crate train it) so it knows where to go to sleep (and try not to disturb it when he's in bed). Don't keep it outside until it gets older. Get it toys so it knows what it can chew on and what it can't. Remember that what you think is cute behavior now might not be acceptable when it grows up so don't allow it to get into any potential bad habits now (if you aren't going to allow the grown dog on the furniture, don't allow the puppy on the furniture now). Basically, you are starting to teach it that you are the alpha dog of the pack and he has to obey you. Keep in mind it is a puppy so be lenient but do start teaching him the rules now.

    • take it to the vetyou'll need a bed (you can buy one or use a towel)dog bowls for water/foodleash/collarpotty train as soon as possiblemy basenji was 9 weeks when i brought her home she was trained in about 2 weeks.i wouldn't buy a flea collar (read the package for age restrictions)buy some toys for exercisegive the puppy lots of love

    • Feed it twice a day, about half to a full size of an adult's hand in a fist, then increase the food portion size as it grows & make sure it's dog food for puppies only. Make sure you give him or her fresh water in a bowel everyday. It's important to keep him inside with you for at least the first week, so he or she can settle & bond with you. Get a soft warm bed for it & then a dog kennel/house, (what type of bread is this dog?). Brush it lightly once a week & when you get it worming treatment plus flea collars, make sure it's for puppies & read instructions. When it gets a little older, take it for a walk each day on a leash. Make an appointment with your local Vet for a check up & ask the vet any other questions concerning your dog. Also give it lot & lots of love & affection. ok! hope that helps, good luck to you & your new friend!

    • Ok, this is alot to answer : -- you should get whatever food the breeder/store/person was feeding, until the vet recomends otherwise. --set up a dog crate with soft bedding located near you so you can let puppy out to go potty.Crate should only be large enough for pup to stretch out/lay down /stand, get bigger ones as it grows.Keep area draft-free Your vet should give you tips on crate training/also BOOKS are highly recomended! -- Call your local vet, set up appt.Let them know you are a first time pup owner. Bring fresh stool sample and any paper work you got on puppy.Bring the name of the food as well. Puppy will get a full exam stem to stern. Then depending on breed/age/lifestyle of pup your vet may get you on the following schedule: 8 weeks old -- #1 distemper/Parvo. vaccine,Deworming medication, Frontline topical(flea.tick prevention) check stool sample, 12 weeks -- #2 distemper/parvo. vaccine,deworming,check stool,Rabies vaccine,Frontline monthly,Heartworm prevention, 16 weeks -- #3 distemper/parvo. adult vaccine,deworming,Frontline(monthly),Heartworm prevention(monthly), Your vet will discuss other vaccines such as "kennel cough",Lyme and Leptospirosis. Also now is the time to plan for puppys spay/neuter. After these series of vaccines most are boostered yearly with your pets exam. -- Find local training class' for your puppy.Your vet can help you there too. All dogs need training,large or small. Plus it bonds dog to owner and builds respect. -- Is your home puppy-proof? Clean floors, no objects to chew like tiny toys,wires,pins etc... All toxins unreachable. -- Locate a groomer -- do you have an emergency 24 hr vet # available? -- Have you looked at pros/cons of pet insurance to help pay for a lifetime of bills? -- locate boarding kennels -- READ/LEARN/LISTEN TO YOUR VET I hope this helps! Congrats on the new puppy!!! ps. a puppy can only hold it's urine about 1 hour per month old it is.(some pups less some alittle more).

    • We just got a puppy too!!!!The first thing you should do is take it to the vet to organise his?(you didnt say )care plane.vaccinations,worming,micro chipping.Has any of these been done by the breeder?if not,then they will need to be done.Our puppy had hundreds of fleas,so the vet gave her a short action flea tablet w hich killed all the fleas within an hour!!!!It was only affective for twenty four hours.She also gave her a worm tablet which got rid of her worms within a day and a half.I hate flea collars.There is a new med we just heard about from our neighbour called sentinal which gets rid of both.Our pup loves playing with her ball on a rope best.Im sorry but I dont know either how long potty training takes.We have a box with layers and layers of news paper in it.We put puppy in it after feeding,after a sleep, after a drink,before a sleep and whenever we think about it.We have had her only two days and she goes herself sometimes already.Is he going to be an inside or outside dog?If he is to be an outside dog then potty training probably wont even be an issue.If you have any more questions you can do what you have just done now and ask .Thats what I have been doing since before we got puppy.Good luck with puppy and I'll keep a lookout for you in case I can help you again.WE're learning together.One more thing.Puppy pre-school classes,worth a go.They will cost us $50.00 for four sessions over four weeks.We will be taking Mini there when she is a few weeks older.Whats your pups name?Bye bye!!!!!!!!!!!!

    • You probably should have thought about this BEFORE you purchased the puppy??Set up a vet appointment ASAPCollar and ID tagLots of indestructable toys.It depends on the breed and the dogs ability as far as the time frame for potty training. Usually it take several monthes to master the outdoor potty.