i am vaccinating my new puppy and was at the vet last week and he asked me if i wanted to vaccinate my puppy?

for lyme disease and kennel cough. i would like suggestions for this please? i am a new puppy owner. Please be nice:)

    i am vaccinating my new puppy and was at the vet last week and he asked me if i wanted to vaccinate my puppy?

    for lyme disease and kennel cough. i would like suggestions for this please? i am a new puppy owner. Please be nice:)...
    General Dog Discussions : i am vaccinating my new puppy and was at the vet last week and he asked me if i wanted to vaccinate my puppy?...

    • i am vaccinating my new puppy and was at the vet last week and he asked me if i wanted to vaccinate my puppy?

      i am vaccinating my new puppy and was at the vet last week and he asked me if i wanted to vaccinate my puppy? General Dog Discussions
      for lyme disease and kennel cough. i would like suggestions for this please? i am a new puppy owner. Please be nice:)

      i am vaccinating my new puppy and was at the vet last week and he asked me if i wanted to vaccinate my puppy?

      i am vaccinating my new puppy and was at the vet last week and he asked me if i wanted to vaccinate my puppy? General Dog Discussions
    • the lyme disease you need the vet to take care of. it can be very detrimental. But kennel cough untreated will turn into pneumonia. But you can give the puppy a few cc's of Tussin (Robatussin<---sp?). and go to the vet for meds.

    • Lyme disease may be optional. Depending on what part of the country you are in, there may not be the ticks that carry lyme disease. If there are no lyme-carrying ticks in your area, then there's no need to vaccinate against it. (Your vet will be able to tell you if there is the possibility of lyme in your area.) Also, if you are going to travel with your dog to an area that has ticks that may carry lyme, then you should get the vaccination then as well.Kennel cough (bordetella vaccine) is also optional. If your dog is ever boarded if you go out of town, or if you take your dog to the groomer or to a "doggie day care", they usually require bordetella vaccination every 6 months.EDIT:I disagree with the "vaccinate against everything possible" approach. If the vaccination is for something the dog won't come across, or isn't one of the major vaccinations (parvo, distemper, rabies, etc.), then there's no need for it. Over-vaccinating pets is not good for them, it can cause problems.

    • I don't go above and beyond with somethings, for one i believe the bordetella (kennel cough) if good because that is a air borne virus, and if your pet is around animals, taken into public places or ever has to be boarded or groomed it is a good idea. I have never done the Lyme one, (i should) but i don't see it a necessity on the area i live. It is more i believe for dogs that go into wooded areas, high brush and such, so that would depend on where i live, or if the dog is gonna be a hunting dog, or taking a trips to the woods and such.. I always get there rabies, bordetella, corona, parvo, distemper and such.. Some of these are combined into one shot.... I hope i helped a little bit, and stated this correctly.. Good luck with your new puppy.... =)

    • yes you want to vaccinate against everything. with my first dog i decided not to vaccinate because i figured he would be inside most of the time & he would never leave our yard. i regreted it. he ended up getting sick & it cost me 3 times as much as the shots would have

    • Lyme Disease : If he is going to be outside, then yes. Are you in a heavily wooded area? Lyme disease is cause by ticks...if you have ticks, then yes you should.Kennel cough: Is he going to be boarded, travel, or be around other dogs that are not yours? If the answer is yes to either of these I would.Hope this helps.

    • How old is the puppy and where do you live? If you live in a region that is prone to Lyme disease then yes. If your puppy is going to be around other dogs like at a puppy training class or boarded then yes to the kennel cough. When my dogs travel to shows in Montana Colorado or anyplace I give the kennel cough. Otherwise I don't because it only last for 6 months.Since you are a new puppy owner don't take the puppy anywhere other than a control area of your home or backyard until after his second shot, very minimum. For the safety of the puppy I wait until at least two weeks after the last series before even putting them on the ground anywhere...Do not place him/her in areas where you do not know what has traveled through such as a front yard. Here are a few links that will help. There is more information on each site but when in doubt ask a veterinarian and seek a second opinion if in doubt.http://lowchensaustralia.com/health/vacc.htmhttp://hometown.aol.com/mayaslady/Links.htmhttp://lowchensaustralia.com/health/firstaid.htmcongrats and good luck

    • How old is your puppy???I definitely recommend getting your puppy vaccinated as long as its 3 months or more than 3 months old. Puppies are exposed to infectious diseases early in life, therefore they should receive vaccinations before they are exposed. Vaccinate puppies starting six weeks of age and then every two or three weeks until 18 weeks of age, then re vaccinate every year. Listen to what your vet is saying because he/she knows more, but when in doubt, you can always research it. You're definitely in for a great responsibility but taking care of a dog can be a lot of fun, care for it as if you are caring for a baby...good luck!