can someone give me the yearly cost of owning a dog?

like for example: rabies: $$$distemnper-$$$all the boosters needed, minus the food by the way the dog is chihuahua, i am not looking for puppy shots because the dog is an adult.

    can someone give me the yearly cost of owning a dog?

    like for example: rabies: $$$distemnper-$$$all the boosters needed, minus the food by the way the dog is chihuahua, i am not looking for puppy shots because the dog is an adult....
    General Dog Discussions : can someone give me the yearly cost of owning a dog?...

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    • can someone give me the yearly cost of owning a dog?

      can someone give me the yearly cost of owning a dog? General Dog Discussions
      like for example: rabies: $$$distemnper-$$$all the boosters needed, minus the food by the way the dog is chihuahua, i am not looking for puppy shots because the dog is an adult.

      can someone give me the yearly cost of owning a dog?

      can someone give me the yearly cost of owning a dog? General Dog Discussions
    • go to google and post your question, or call a vet and ask. Pet ownership does incur costs, and if you are a responsible pet owner, it is your responsibility to take care of your pets health care needs as well as grooming, and inoculations. If you cannot afford to do this, do not get a pet.

    • Each vet charges differently. Just phone yours and ask over the phone what they charge. It's the easiest way to find out. They can always do phone quotes for the asking.

    • It all depends on the vet really. For my vet it was $45 for them to see the dog.Another $20 per shot....but for the rabies sometimes they have a thing in some towns where you can go and get it for like $10 so look in your local paper. You always have to take in account that sometimes their are unexpected vet visits too.

    • It really depends on the size and health of the dog.A sickly runt of the litter toy breed can be thousands per year.Generally, if you have a healthy pet, it will be anywhere from $300 to $800 per year.

    • well owning a dog is expensivesince ur thinking of getting a puppy i have to tell u this so ur pup doesnt get sick.when u get ur puppy, jus to be on the safe side, get his puppy shots right away! b4 u start with the walks and letting him in ur backyard (unless its fenced it)bc my (1st) puppy hadnt had his shots yet and we took him fo walks, n let him in the backyard, nd he got pyro and passed. :( my mom said the puppy shots were like $110we learned our lesson and made sure our animals had all their shots and they are pefectly healthy now. sorry 4 the long storylol

    • I have a chihuahua as well! She is very dominate, and barks at everything! But I still love her. For being such a small dog, she's grown too, btw... It does cost a lot, especially for the heart worm medicine, but you'll have to call your local vet to get the exact cost...

    • Well, its not what you want to hear, but the cost of shots REALLY varies from state to state and even through out cities. I have seen people post that up north it in the upper 200's to get a dogs shots, while here in texas its about 100 dollars. So i suggest you just call a vet and get an estimate.On other things. assuming your getting a small dog by your name and earlier question-Food- 40 dollars a monthBed- 25 - 30 dollarsToys- 50 a yearBowls- 20 dollarsleash and collar- 20 dollarstreats- 100 dollars a yearShots and spay- dependant on location. On chewing, i suggest you get a deer antler. They are nearly indestructible and my dogs love them!! They are pretty cheap considering you very seldom have to buy a new one. Just a suggestion! t

    • I can give you an example from the veterinarian I most recently worked for, but all veterinarians charge differently for their care:Annual exam - $40Rabies - $14DHLPP - $18Other vaccines (i.e. Bordatella, lyme, Rattlesnake, H3N8) : Around $20 each. Check with your vet to see which vaccines are recommended for your area.Heartworm test: $35Heartworm preventative, 1 year's supply for a chihuahua: $55Annual license for an altered dog: $12That's just for basic care. It's also a good idea to have money on hand (or to buy pet insurance) in case there is an emergency or an illness. Annual costs will also include training, grooming, and other supplies.I'd say, to be on the safe side, have AT LEAST $2000 a year for your dog. It seems like a lot, but it will save you should something unforseen happen.

    • Vaccine prices can very greatly depending on if you are going to shot clinics or a regular vet. With an adult dog, once they had 2 annual rabies you only have to vaccinate every 3 yrs for core vaccines. The problem to this is most boarding and some grooming shops are not up to date with proper vaccination protocols and often require them yearly. This not only puts your pet at risk for major health issues down the road, but can cost you more. Not only for the shots, but for treating the problems created from over vaccinating.Core vaccines can run you anywhere from $25 - $200 again depending on where you have them done. You also have to look at any emergency fees that could come up and may want to check into a pet insurance plan.

    • It varies.Here, a yearly exam breakdown is this:Annual exam: 52 dollarsRabies: 18 dollarsDistemper: 18 dollars.Lepto (if you hike a lot): 18 dollarsHearworm Prevention for 6 months (about 60 dollars)However here those shots are three years so you just pay for an exam yearly.This doesn't include the (potential) thousands of dollars if your pet gets sick.

    • It can cost as little as $500 a year; food costs, vet costs, everything. Or it could cost $1000-2000 if you spend a lot of money/don't try to work out the best ways to utilize the money... Or it could get hit by a truck, get assaulted by a myriad of pests and parasites and then contract sarcoptic mange, plus a few other things if you're careless/unlucky, and end up spending $8000 (or not having a dog anymore.)Shots aren't really all that expensive when you think about it, but every vet charges different. If I fed a medium-large sized dog on holistic dogfood that costed me $150 per 2 months, it would cost me roughly $1100-1200 to own a dog per year. (believe it or not, that's about the cost of the kibble here.) But if you work on getting the best possible food for the lowest price, finding the right vet, ect. I'd say $600-800 per year..It doesn't really bother me personally, because other than the basics, the only thing I spend money on for myself is occasional alcohol and the internet. So I save thousands a year, with or without a dog to keep me company.

    • Hi You can buy 5-way vaccines(incl. distemnper) of 25 does around $70 at the site called Drs. Foster and Smith. It covers more than a year. It is cheaper than vet office. Vet visits costs are up to your dog's medical condition, but our pet insurace helped us a lot financially when one of our dogs got sick. I highly recommend to have a pet insurance. Our pet insurance costs about $200/year. In additional to dog food, and treat, you woeuld need ear cleaning solution and tooth paste etc. (you can check the price at Drs. Foster and Smith site). Plus boading clothing and glooming if you'd like. Good luck!

    • It's pretty impossible to give you a yearly cost. In the last 7 weeks, I have spent $2300 on dogs. 2 years ago, I spent $4500 on one of my dogs. Shots, about $100 for all, including the vet visit. Food, a high quality food for a Chihuahua would probably run around $8-$12 a month. You'll need heartworm and flea preventative, that (if you used an all-in-one like Revolution) would be around $10 a month. Spay or neuter (if not already done) will run $100-$300. Yearly teeth cleanings: $60-$300. Yearly fecal exams: $20. Yearly checkup with blood panel: $100-$200.It's the unexpected things that cost a lot: vet bills for injuries and illnesses. I probably average $1200 per year, per dog, but it can go a LOT higher. It's smart to have cash in the bank or access to a credit line of $2000-$3000 BEFORE getting a dog.