why was there blood in my puppies stool?

I have two lab mixed puppies and yesterday we got them vaccinated and dewormed (Strongid T Liquid). Today I noticed some red in their stool. There was only two poops that I saw with red. One had more red than the other so I'm thinking this happened to…

    why was there blood in my puppies stool?

    I have two lab mixed puppies and yesterday we got them vaccinated and dewormed (Strongid T Liquid). Today I noticed some red in their stool. There was only two poops that I saw with red. One had more red than the other so I'm thinking this happened to…...
    General Dog Discussions : why was there blood in my puppies stool?...

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    • why was there blood in my puppies stool?

      why was there blood in my puppies stool? General Dog Discussions
      I have two lab mixed puppies and yesterday we got them vaccinated and dewormed (Strongid T Liquid). Today I noticed some red in their stool. There was only two poops that I saw with red. One had more red than the other so I'm thinking this happened to both of the puppies. We took those two samples to the vet and are analyzing it for any parasites. They've been quite lethargic due to the vaccines but other than that they seem fine. Eating and drinking well. After they ate I gave them their flea and heartworm meds. The bigger dog is 25.8 lbs. and the smaller one is 17.4 lbs.Its a bit chilly out but they have their doggie sweaters on and in their doghouse all nice and warm.Any answers are helpful!

      why was there blood in my puppies stool?

      why was there blood in my puppies stool? General Dog Discussions
    • Whenever we see red blood in the stool -- or whenever a pet has diarrhea -- we will run what is called a fecal cytology. That is a smear on a slide, where the dvm looks for more than just parasites. Coccidia, giardia, plus overgrowth of bateria in the gut can cause blood in the stool. Colitis from eating things not on the regular menu or from stress (being at the vet, being in a new home.)If it's anything I've mentioned, then strongid won't fix it. Ask the vet tomorrow whether he is checking for anything other than parasites, because he should be.Your vet may want to split out the shots next time, depending on how many vaccines were given today. DHLPP is one shot, but it has 5 things in it. So we sometimes separate that out from Rabies, lepto, kennel cough, lyme, and influenza.Don't change your pups' food because of this. Stay the course. Hopefully they are already on a good puppy food.You sound like a very good dog owner!

    • I trust that the vet will also be running a test for parvovirus on the stool samples?Are these outdoor pups? Unsupervised pups will be likely to be spending all day look looking for anything and everything inappropriate to gnaw on and eat. They may have consumed who-knows-what, and acquired minor intestinal irritations. They may have ingested who-knows-what and have caused intestinal obstructions, in which case they are in trouble and require help. They may be ill... if they have been previously vaccinated (before yesterday), that vaccine may not have conferred immunity yet... the vaccine yesterday is obviously no protection yet.If it is cold out, why do these guys require flea and heartworm preventative right now? More chemicals which serve no purpose right now if you are in a climate that has a cold winter...I would NOT leave unattended pups "dressed" in clothing. A sweater is just something else to eat, plus I would worry about them getting stuck somehow by getting the sweaters hung up on something.If you are really raising two pups outdoors, be prepared for a world of behavioral woes. With nothing to do but help each other think up trouble to get into, they will likely be digging to china, eating the siding off your house, barking and howling until the police are called and eating stuff that will end up killing themselves...