My dog was sick and we took him to the vet?

Me and my dad took my dog to the vet and he got a shot to help him stop puking and they hydrated him after they have us a electrolytes mix to mix with a pint on water my dad thought 1 pint = 1 liter so he mixed it in a liter soda bottle are the…

    My dog was sick and we took him to the vet?

    Me and my dad took my dog to the vet and he got a shot to help him stop puking and they hydrated him after they have us a electrolytes mix to mix with a pint on water my dad thought 1 pint = 1 liter so he mixed it in a liter soda bottle are the…...
    General Dog Discussions : My dog was sick and we took him to the vet?...

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    • My dog was sick and we took him to the vet?

      My dog was sick and we took him to the vet? General Dog Discussions
      Me and my dad took my dog to the vet and he got a shot to help him stop puking and they hydrated him after they have us a electrolytes mix to mix with a pint on water my dad thought 1 pint = 1 liter so he mixed it in a liter soda bottle are the electrolytes still going to work now? and if we get a new package will it cost money; if so we can't get another one we already spent about 200 $ already :(

      My dog was sick and we took him to the vet?

      My dog was sick and we took him to the vet? General Dog Discussions
    • Gatorade is the same thing! It has electolytes in it as well. It actually helped me so many times with sick pets. I have it to my iguana when we first got home she had a horrible home that wasn't feeding her. I also gave it to my puppy a few times after she had a bad reaction to the lyme shot. I also gave it to my ferret when she was sick. Keeping them hydrated is the number one things.

    • You already asked this question and got some good answers. If your dad mixed it wrong, then it's not going to work and you need to call the vet and tell them what happened, so they can give you the medication again. Here is the other question you asked.;_ylt=AtE__srXx4WN1iEIoJUasM7sy6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20111127023049AA1WzRR