should i get my puppy the lyme disease vaccination?

should i get my puppy the lyme disease vaccination?

    should i get my puppy the lyme disease vaccination?

    should i get my puppy the lyme disease vaccination?...
    General Dog Discussions : should i get my puppy the lyme disease vaccination?...

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    • should i get my puppy the lyme disease vaccination?

      should i get my puppy the lyme disease vaccination? General Dog Discussions
      should i get my puppy the lyme disease vaccination?

      should i get my puppy the lyme disease vaccination?

      should i get my puppy the lyme disease vaccination? General Dog Discussions
    • Are you in an area that has ticks that carry lyme disease? so, or if you plan to travel to those areas, then definitely get the vaccine. Else, there's no need for it and I don't believe in over-vaccinating pets, it can cause more harm than good. (Definitely make sure to stay up on their required core shots, such as rabies, parvo, distemper, etc., though.)Your vet can also help you make the decision. My vet advised me against it because there's very low risk of Lyme in my area and it isn't worth pumping more vaccinations into my dog.

    • if you live in an area heavily affected by it.. or if your dog will be running/playing in areas of tall grass, or wooded areas... as opposed to like a city park area...I would say yes, better to be safe than sorry

    • yes u should because its a small price to pay to keep ur puppy healthy and also if u dont get it and in the future he happens to get lyme disease then it will cost more for treatment than u would pay for one shot to protect him....puppies should be treated like ur children u should protect them as much as possible.....thats the owners responsibility

    • Yes, all dogs need all there vaccines. If the disease ever happens you would have to get it in the next 24 hours. What I am trying to say is that if you get it you can relax and forget all about. Get a good vet or the pet hospital to put the vaccine on your dog. One thing for sure is that it is best to get all the vaccines when your dog is a puppy.

    • yes,Lyme disease really sucks,my brother got it,and he lives in an area where it is not prevalent,if u visit an area or some one visits from an area that its prevalent and brings the tick with it, you and ur pet could get it.