If you get a Border Collie's fur groomed short will it shed as much?

My brother is allergic to dogs that shed large amounts but i really want a Border Collie. I was just wondering, if its fur where cut short would it shed everywhere like it does when the fur is long?

    If you get a Border Collie's fur groomed short will it shed as much?

    My brother is allergic to dogs that shed large amounts but i really want a Border Collie. I was just wondering, if its fur where cut short would it shed everywhere like it does when the fur is long?...
    Dog Breed Discussions : If you get a Border Collie's fur groomed short will it shed as much?...

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    • If you get a Border Collie's fur groomed short will it shed as much?

      If you get a Border Collie's fur groomed short will it shed as much? Dog Breed Discussions
      My brother is allergic to dogs that shed large amounts but i really want a Border Collie. I was just wondering, if its fur where cut short would it shed everywhere like it does when the fur is long?

      If you get a Border Collie's fur groomed short will it shed as much?

      If you get a Border Collie's fur groomed short will it shed as much? Dog Breed Discussions
    • It may shed less.......there's dog food (forgot wut its called) u can get and it can cut back its shedding 30%!! if you brush it often it wont shed as much! hope i helped

    • I dont' think it would really shed less that much but it would make grooming easier. You can buy food that will help it shed less and other things you can feed your dog. Otherwise just brush your dog everyday.

    • Yes, the dog will still shed, it will just shed smaller, shorter hairs. Border Collies are not supposed to be shaved down. You can trim them up a little, but it is not good to shave them down short since they are a double coated breed and their undercoat helps to regulate their body temperature (provided the coat is not matted) Also, with continual shaving, the coat grows in a little thicker each time...more shedding. (this takes years to notice) It's not the dog hair that people are allergic to..its the dander and saliva from the dog.

    • it will shed the same amount as before just get a smooth coat. and i hope you know border collies can't do confermation and need to do a job like agility http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aQNl1irWGJYthey needs lots of exercise walked a minimum of 5 time a day and that i 20 min and need to be able to play they can not be in a crate for 5 hours a day. i have 10 border collies that is how i know. border collies have differnt coats smooth coats have short hair like in this picturehttp://www.dogbreedinfo.com/images14/BorderCollieSmoothTriColorDSCN4914.JPGthey also have rough coat or medium coat like in the picturehttp://www.grizzlyrun.com/Files/Images/Image_Gallery/border_collie.jpghttp://www.sheepdogsforsale.com/photos/Astra%20Kit/Untitled-195.jpgand long coat like in the picture http://www.dogbreedinfo.com/images16/BorderCollieWynne7Years3.JPGso if short hair is what you want get a smooth coat here is a web site of a great breeder http://www.lockeyebc.com/puppies.html