How many anti parvo shots should my puppy have?

I have a shih and she has about 3 shots for anti parvo, every 2 weeks, we go to the vet to have her immunized, now I read somewhere that this a bit dangerous, for giving puppies shots too often??!!?? How true is this?Apology, yes i have her records, she…

    How many anti parvo shots should my puppy have?

    I have a shih and she has about 3 shots for anti parvo, every 2 weeks, we go to the vet to have her immunized, now I read somewhere that this a bit dangerous, for giving puppies shots too often??!!?? How true is this?Apology, yes i have her records, she…...
    General Dog Discussions : How many anti parvo shots should my puppy have?...

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    • How many anti parvo shots should my puppy have?

      How many anti parvo shots should my puppy have? General Dog Discussions
      I have a shih and she has about 3 shots for anti parvo, every 2 weeks, we go to the vet to have her immunized, now I read somewhere that this a bit dangerous, for giving puppies shots too often??!!?? How true is this?Apology, yes i have her records, she has 3 - shots for 5 in 1, and 1 deworming and 1 anti rabbies, today is her 4th shot for anti parvo. she recommended 5 shots for 5 in 1, is this too much?

      How many anti parvo shots should my puppy have?

      How many anti parvo shots should my puppy have? General Dog Discussions
    • she should have 3 series of combo shots 8 weeks 12 weeks & 16 weeks it doesn't seem like you know what you are talking about since you say she has has "about" 3 shots. the vet would have given you an immunization record with everything listed she was given

    • As puppies they do need quite an array of shots. Many of them in succession to make sure the work. That does seem like a bit, do you have a shot record for your pup? They might be rabies and others at the same time, if you are really concerned ask your vet about it, if you don't trust the answer, find a new vet, MAKE SURE you bring the shot record with you. Ask around with family friends and coworkers to find out what vet they trust, if they name yours, you'll have a harder hunt.

    • Please check with your vet, or even several of them. My dog got autoimmune anemia, in which his blood cells try to kill each other off, and he almost died. The third vet I took him to finally diagnosed what he had, and said they are discovering that more and more dogs are getting this disease from so many puppy shots, and it wacks out the immune system. Good luck, as this disease has no cure, just ways to help you cope, and keep the dog alive. Mine is now 6 years old, and is still on steroids and many other natural products to help him deal with the drugs. On and on...Anyway, ASK about how many are necessary. My vet said the recommended doses are just TOO much, but it is our choice. Do what feels right to you. May your dog be always healthy! Read on-line about autoimmune anemia, and be informed!!!! by the way, my dog is a Cocker Spaniel...there is another dog in the neighbor hood with this same problem and it is a huge wolf hound...not particular about what breed it hits. Don't just blindly trust a vet...they don't all know everything anymore that doctors do...

    • If they have the very first puppy shot before they are 8 weeks old, then you should do three instead of two. But now that she is immunized, they will last a lifetime.

    • Do NOT give more then 3 in a series!!The protocol is:8-9 weeks distemper/parvo/canine hepatitis/adenovirus-212 -14 weeks repeat16 - 18 weeks repeat for third and fianl20 weeks or older rabiesIt is very dangerous to over vaccinate your puppy/dog!!Do NOT give any more if she's already had 3!!! Never have the vaccinations given closer then 4 weeks either.If your vet is recommending more then this then you definately need to find a new that pays attention to the protocol set by the AAHA and all 27 vet that has the best interests of your puppy at hand.