Could you steal a puppy from a pet store without being caught?

This is a total hypothetical question. Say you were making a documentary about puppy mills and you wanted to get a puppy from a pet store and take it to a vet to see if it's sick. Could you steal a puppy without being caught as to avoid supporting the…

    Could you steal a puppy from a pet store without being caught?

    This is a total hypothetical question. Say you were making a documentary about puppy mills and you wanted to get a puppy from a pet store and take it to a vet to see if it's sick. Could you steal a puppy without being caught as to avoid supporting the…...
    General Dog Discussions : Could you steal a puppy from a pet store without being caught?...

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    • Could you steal a puppy from a pet store without being caught?

      Could you steal a puppy from a pet store without being caught? General Dog Discussions
      This is a total hypothetical question. Say you were making a documentary about puppy mills and you wanted to get a puppy from a pet store and take it to a vet to see if it's sick. Could you steal a puppy without being caught as to avoid supporting the industry?

      Could you steal a puppy from a pet store without being caught?

      Could you steal a puppy from a pet store without being caught? General Dog Discussions
    • No.Besides, the kind of veterinary exams you want done on the pup won't give any reliable results until the dog is closer to 2 years old. x-rays, eye exams for PRA, etc.

    • It would be extremely hard to steal a puppy without being seen because they are usually kept in a cage that is locked and most stores have cameras that would see you take the puppy.

    • Yeah, I almost did it. Only problem is, I had to go back to school so had no where to put it. But certain places will let all the puppies run around the stores at certain times of the day while they clean. Time it just right and you can sneak one in your coat and walk outside.

    • BUY one and not only does it give a dog a good home,it also gives the mill more money for stuff like food for the poor pups.You may be the one to bust them,just as long as they can't bust you right back for stealing.If you break the law the will be able to get you,not you get them.

    • I hate that I can answer this from experience lol but it honestly depends on the pet store. When I was younger, I actually stole a kitten from one. They didn't have puppies. But the kitten was really easy. I am in no way encouraging stealing anything ever. Chances are you will get caught and that is not a path you want to head down. But you asked, figured I'd answer...

    • To answer your question: No. The stores all have security cameras so you might get away with the puppy but you will see yourself on the TV news that evening when they play the tape. Someone will rat you out and then you get to go to jail.

    • Probably not. Most pet shops have security cams. If you want to make a documentary about puppy mills, go directly to one. All you have to do is pretend you want to buy one.

    • What you're talking about is illegal. Even if you could do it, once you made the said "documentary", you'd be caught and would likely face jail time. Besides, most pet store employees watch customers like stinking hawks. I doubt you could do it, anyway. That's not to mention the fact that just because the puppy doesn't turn up having parvo, distemper, kennel cough, or any other disease common in puppies doesn't mean the puppy won't have a genetic disorder that won't show up until he's three or four (or even more) years old. So, even if you had a vet run tests, there are some genetic possibilities that wouldn't even show up. So, in short, this is a terrible idea all around. Not only would it be inaccurate, but you'd face possible jail time over an inaccurate study. Not to mention that stealing a dog is a felony. Add that to stealing from a place of business... and we're talking more than just a few years here.