How can you tell if a pet is twitching because of distemper or a dream?

~ we found a stray and he has been to the vet.... he had bloody poop and bad worms. The vet said that the blood was because of the worms.~i have had two puppies die from distemper (even though they had all thier shots)~ i started to notice this puppy…

    How can you tell if a pet is twitching because of distemper or a dream?

    ~ we found a stray and he has been to the vet.... he had bloody poop and bad worms. The vet said that the blood was because of the worms.~i have had two puppies die from distemper (even though they had all thier shots)~ i started to notice this puppy…...
    General Dog Discussions : How can you tell if a pet is twitching because of distemper or a dream?...

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    • How can you tell if a pet is twitching because of distemper or a dream?

      How can you tell if a pet is twitching because of distemper or a dream? General Dog Discussions
      ~ we found a stray and he has been to the vet.... he had bloody poop and bad worms. The vet said that the blood was because of the worms.~i have had two puppies die from distemper (even though they had all thier shots)~ i started to notice this puppy twitches some when he is in a deep after about 20 -30 mins into his sleep. The other puppies did it when they where just relaxed they didnt have to be asleep.~ i cant tell if its nothing or if i should be concerned..i dont know anything about this puppy other than he was dumped out in the country.......he seems to be a good dog and in a matter of a week learned a ton of new stuff. I really had not planned on getting a new dog so soon but the vet asures me that keeping him is the rigth thing to do and that my house is fine and wont give him the virus and that if he had it he had it before he came to me. She also told me it would be unlikely to have 3 dogs die from it...

      How can you tell if a pet is twitching because of distemper or a dream?

      How can you tell if a pet is twitching because of distemper or a dream? General Dog Discussions
    • my dog twitches and yelps in his dream (hes a puppy chihuahua) im assuming its totally normal! they can have adventures in Boneland, and have nightmares too! Even if its only in black and white :Ddont worry hun, its most likely nothing to be worried about

    • Is he twitching when he's not sleeping? The is one of the neurological signs, "ticcing". But if it's only when he's sleeping it's probably because he's just dreaming. Just be sure to start the vaccination schedule for him for the parvo and distemper (and rabies too).If in doubt, ring the vet. Good luck.

    • My dog does the same thing while she is dreaming and she is four years old. My dog was also a stray to that I found. Your puppy is fine. I'm sure your dog would tell you thank you if he could for taking him in. After being dumped, he deserves a good home. Give him lots of love!!!

    • I have seen plenty of strays in Africa which has obviously survived distemper. Believe me, you know that tick when you see it. The poor animals do it constantly and they just cannot help it.Obviously go to a vet and get all the necessary shots, but from your description it seems like dreaming to me.

    • Puppies twitch often in their sleep... from dreaming. If you notice a change in your pups attitude, that's when you should pay attention. If your vet doesn't seem to be concerned, then you shouldn't be either. At least not until you see the symptoms.