What is a fair price to ask for a 7-month-old pure-bred Siberian Husky?

My husband and I live in a small 2-room apartment on the third floor. We bought our husky four months ago, but now we regret it. Both of us work full time, so we don't have enough time to spend giving her the attention she needs. She is very hyperactive,…

    What is a fair price to ask for a 7-month-old pure-bred Siberian Husky?

    My husband and I live in a small 2-room apartment on the third floor. We bought our husky four months ago, but now we regret it. Both of us work full time, so we don't have enough time to spend giving her the attention she needs. She is very hyperactive,…...
    General Dog Discussions : What is a fair price to ask for a 7-month-old pure-bred Siberian Husky?...

    • What is a fair price to ask for a 7-month-old pure-bred Siberian Husky?

      What is a fair price to ask for a 7-month-old pure-bred Siberian Husky? General Dog Discussions
      My husband and I live in a small 2-room apartment on the third floor. We bought our husky four months ago, but now we regret it. Both of us work full time, so we don't have enough time to spend giving her the attention she needs. She is very hyperactive, so our small apartment isn't big enough for her. And during the day we have to leave her out on our little balcony so she doesn't tear up the house. She is a total sweetheart and we love her to death, but we want what is best for her, and our little home is it. She is up to date on all her shots except parvo/distemper, and that is because the vet clinic we took her to didn't administer it correctly. She is very friendly and gentle with children and babies. We are including her kennel (worth roughly $85) in the price. I have done some research to find out what kind of price would be fair to ask for her, but I can only find price ranges for small puppies (a couple months old). I can't find anything for a dog her age. What is a fair price range to ask for her?

      What is a fair price to ask for a 7-month-old pure-bred Siberian Husky?

      What is a fair price to ask for a 7-month-old pure-bred Siberian Husky? General Dog Discussions
    • The "fair" price is the price to update shots, spay her before she goes (don't let her go an an intect dog capable of breeding!) and the vet visit - that is the expenses you should charge.W/O registration papers you have no proof this dog is purebred and should not advertise it as such.So adding up the cost of spay (most expense), kennel and the shots - max of about $200. If you don't spay her first, then turn your dog over to a Siberian Rescue group where they will spay her first before adopting her out.

    • get her spayed, to ensure she will not be used as a cheap breeding dog.since she includes her cage then, about $150 is probably fair.pet-quality dogs just do not have much resale value.

    • well if you want her to go to a great home you dont want the price too low that some scummy owner will just come along and treat her badly if she matches you discription she is worth about 300-500

    • just bc someone asks for a lot of money for a dog doesn't guarantee a scummy owner wont buy it my neighbors paid 650 per husky and they have two and they are horrible dog owners dogs are outside 24/7 and never get any attention never seen a vet I would get her spayed and then charge the price u paid to get her spayed and for all her shots