what happens when one dog is vaccinated and other dog isn't?

I'm getting a puppy this weekend and I know that she will be up to date on her vaccines but my current has been vaccinated yet. He's only up to date on his rabies shots. I'm planning to get him vaccines soon. Well they both be fine until I can do this? I…

    what happens when one dog is vaccinated and other dog isn't?

    I'm getting a puppy this weekend and I know that she will be up to date on her vaccines but my current has been vaccinated yet. He's only up to date on his rabies shots. I'm planning to get him vaccines soon. Well they both be fine until I can do this? I…...
    General Dog Discussions : what happens when one dog is vaccinated and other dog isn't?...

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    • what happens when one dog is vaccinated and other dog isn't?

      what happens when one dog is vaccinated and other dog isn't? General Dog Discussions
      I'm getting a puppy this weekend and I know that she will be up to date on her vaccines but my current has been vaccinated yet. He's only up to date on his rabies shots. I'm planning to get him vaccines soon. Well they both be fine until I can do this? I need detailed information if possible.

      what happens when one dog is vaccinated and other dog isn't?

      what happens when one dog is vaccinated and other dog isn't? General Dog Discussions
    • One MIGHT be immune to disease (depending on how many vaccinations it has) and one is not. Dogs need a series of shots to become immune to illness. So just because a pup is up to date on shots, does not mean it has had all of them yet. Nor does it mean the pup is immune yet. That depends on how long maternal antibodies stay in the pups body, etc. When Mom's nursing, she is giving her pups immunity. These antibodies interfere with the efficacy of vaccines. I would do everything in your power to get both of your pets up to date. Parvo is a horrible and painful disease and it is every where. You need to speak with a vet in your area to learn what vaccine schedule you need and you need to get it done.

    • The dog that isn't fully vaccinated can still get sick from anything he isn't vaccinated against. If your dog does not have full vaccines, avoid taking them anywhere where there is a lot of disease. The forest can harbor Larpo Virus, a disease contracted from wild raccoons, the dog park can harbor Parvo and other diseases, and board and kennel facilities are notorious for spreading around Bordetella (Kennel Cough). Truck stop rest areas for dogs also harbor diseases. Never take an unvaccinated dog anywhere where there is a large population of animals passing through, and completely avoid letting them come in contact with animal feces, or they can contract a disease. Your puppy is up-to-date on his vaccines. While he has some protection from diseases, he is still vulnerable to diseases from places where they are in high concentration, such as any of the places listed above. They should not contract any diseases just from walking around. Your animals should be perfectly safe, as long as you keep them away from areas where diseases are prevalent. If either of your dogs start to show signs of illness, take them to the vet immediately and keep them separated until they recover.

    • The VERY SIMPLE solution without a lot of unnecessary info is to have your current dog vaccinated before you bring the puppy home or when you bring the puppy to the vet for his check up. The check up on the puppy should be done within 48 hours of bringing him home.Since the pup is fully vaccinated, he safe for now, but your other dog is subject to a whole host of diseases. Get him vaccinated today or tomorrow.