How to get vaccination info on dog we just got?

So I got a pitbull 2 months ago and he has his license and everything. We got him from craigslist and the ownership was transferred to me but now I need the vaccination information on the dog which I never got from the person and I don't know the persons…

    How to get vaccination info on dog we just got?

    So I got a pitbull 2 months ago and he has his license and everything. We got him from craigslist and the ownership was transferred to me but now I need the vaccination information on the dog which I never got from the person and I don't know the persons…...
    General Dog Discussions : How to get vaccination info on dog we just got?...

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    • How to get vaccination info on dog we just got?

      How to get vaccination info on dog we just got? General Dog Discussions
      So I got a pitbull 2 months ago and he has his license and everything. We got him from craigslist and the ownership was transferred to me but now I need the vaccination information on the dog which I never got from the person and I don't know the persons number anymore. So how can I get the dogs vaccination information? Who do I contact? I have the dogs license.

      How to get vaccination info on dog we just got?

      How to get vaccination info on dog we just got? General Dog Discussions
    • Do you know the name of the previous veterinarian? If not, you may be able to contact your local humane society (or whatever organization that grants pet licenses in your area) and see if/what they know. As a last resort, assume that the dog has had no vaccines and have them all boosted by a veterinarian, and start your schedule from there.

    • Good chance the dog was seen last at the vet office closest to where the dog used to live? Is he microchipped? How old is he if he is over one then a booster would probably be enough and a rabies shot. Does he have a rabies tag? Sometimes they say what clinic he got it from?

    • Unless you know the vetinary information you won't have records of vaccination. Usually when a licensed is issues it only ask that the dog is up to date on rabbies thats all they care about. Either way withing 48 hours of getting a new dog you should always have it seen by a vet. You should discuss with your vet your oprtions. Depending how old the dog is depends on the vacinations. If the dog is a puppy it needs at least three sets of shots. You want to make sure it has all those shots and than a year later it would recieve another annual shots. here were I am my dogs than are not vacinated for another 2 years at the minimum. I do not like to over vaccinate and the rabbies shot usually is good for three years not yearly anymore. Good luck

    • Well, look on the license, there should be a number on it. Call the humane society see if you can find out how to track down the dogs shot record. I would make sure he gets a distemper shot. Dogs can get distemper at any age, and there isn't much that can be done, if he gets it. If he is ever at a public park or you board him somewhere, make sure he has vaccines for kennel cough, also ask your vet what other vaccines he recommends when you board your dog. Take care, and have fun with your new dog.

    • Previous vet for anything medically related.Vets can test which antibodies the dog is producing so they can tell you what shots the dog needs...could be expensive puppy got one shot twice by accident about a month apart...nothing bad happened so maybe you will be able to vaccinate him/her just in case....if the dog is licensed through the AKC then you should have paperwork on the breeding and should be able to track its parents, and in turn the parents owners.

    • there may be no way to get the info. you'd have to have the old owners number/address or the vet they used. some shots are not needed unless you plan to board the dog in a kennel or take him to certain places. the Rabies is most important to keep updated. if it has had all it's puppy shots and you don't board it, then you don't need annual booster shots. some studies say over vaccination causes cancer.