How much is a border collie?

I want a border collie that is young puppy/ young adult and I want it to be fully trained when I buy it. It also has to be a female and chocolate color. I also need it to be a good breed that doesn't have too many health problems and issues ie allergies.…

    How much is a border collie?

    I want a border collie that is young puppy/ young adult and I want it to be fully trained when I buy it. It also has to be a female and chocolate color. I also need it to be a good breed that doesn't have too many health problems and issues ie allergies.…...
    Dog Breed Discussions : How much is a border collie?...

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    • How much is a border collie?

      How much is a border collie? Dog Breed Discussions
      I want a border collie that is young puppy/ young adult and I want it to be fully trained when I buy it. It also has to be a female and chocolate color. I also need it to be a good breed that doesn't have too many health problems and issues ie allergies. I live in Tempe, Az if you can also provide the best place to buy one like this. Thank you!Also should I buy or adopt my dog if I want it like that?

      How much is a border collie?

      How much is a border collie? Dog Breed Discussions
    • Thats a VERY tall order. Maybe either adopt it from a shelter or see if theres anyone who lives near you who cant take care of their dog for some reason, and you could take it off their hands.

    • Reality check. You are VERY unlikely to get an already totally trained dog. You would pay well over a thousand dollars for a dog like that, if you could find one. Any breed, any where. Rescue dogs usually have some training, generally housebroken, but people don't place a dog they have invested that much in. Rescue dogs have issues you must deal with, that is part of the package. Plus brown is a fairly unusual color in B Cs. Puppies do not come trained. You do the training, starting with Puppy Kindergarten and then Basic Obedience classes.Remember that Border Collies a very high energy working dog and need many hours of mental and physical exercise every day.Here is the link to the national club. Find a local breed club and discuss your needs with them. Be prepared to not get everything you want, or to have a dishonest breeder TELL you that is what your are getting.