How often can my dog have puppies?

She had a litter in late May and all of her pups had died by July. Her male friend was always on her in August and she was receptive to him. Thru September her tummy began to grow and now she is sleeping alot. Her appetite was also increased in…

    How often can my dog have puppies?

    She had a litter in late May and all of her pups had died by July. Her male friend was always on her in August and she was receptive to him. Thru September her tummy began to grow and now she is sleeping alot. Her appetite was also increased in…...
    General Dog Discussions : How often can my dog have puppies?...

    • How often can my dog have puppies?

      How often can my dog have puppies? General Dog Discussions
      She had a litter in late May and all of her pups had died by July. Her male friend was always on her in August and she was receptive to him. Thru September her tummy began to grow and now she is sleeping alot. Her appetite was also increased in September, but the last few days she barely eats at all. Could she be pregnant again????

      How often can my dog have puppies?

      How often can my dog have puppies? General Dog Discussions
    • dogs can go into heat every 4-6 months. The gestation period is 63 days. She could be pregnant again. Do you think she's lost her appetite because she's about to deliver? Thats possible. It is best to have your dog on puppy food while she's pregnant and nursing. Change the food over slowly over a week or 10 days. (has more nutrience in it than the regular.)Have fun!

    • Could be, but you don't want to wear her out either. Gestation is 9 weeks. Give her a break. She shouldn't have more then one litter every 6 months. The puppies will die on their own because they aren't properly developed and you are using her simply for her breeding. Give her a breather and keep the other dogs away in between.

    • Feel her nipples and the tissue surrounding them, are they tough or tight? I would say yes if they are. I would discourage you from breeding since the last litter passed away. Check in with your vet and have him or her give a health check up for breed suitability. If the breeding is not intentional and wanted spay her to prevent fatal issues like pyometra, an ifection of the uterus. Good breeders I know breed twice maybe three times and that is once a year or even skipping a year.

    • Yolanda is right every 6 months they come into heat. And should not be bred to frequently just like people to much is hard on the mom and breeds sickly pups. The other answer is also good there could be something wrong dogs are like people they get sick, get cancers, and can have false pregnacies. If her puppies died she could have a false pregnancy but she needs to be seen by a vet.

    • Yes, it is absolutely possible that she is pregnant again. You should take her to the vet immediately because her appetite has decreased. She might not have the strength to have pups if they all died from the last litter. The most litters a dog should have in their life time is 6. However, with your dog it doesn't sound like her body can handle the stress. If she is pregnant make sure she's on a premium food source Lots of fatty oils and protein.

    • A dog has 4 cycles a year, so if she goes into season a month or two after giving birth, she will indeed get pregant again. Not all females have set times in the cycles.If your dog lost her puppies, have the vet run some blood work on her, there may be a problem with either her, or the sire of the litter.The vet may have to abort the pregnacy if there is a problem with the female, which means you will probably have to get her spayed.If she is pregnant and has the litter, take mom and pups to the vet right away so the vet can determine if the pups are healthy. Don't put her through the heartbreak of losing all of her litter again.

    • She probably is but unless this is a planned breeding, it is very irresponsible to allow the male dog unlimited access to her. As a former breeder of Chow Chow's it is my personal opinion that a female should not be bred more than three times in her lifetime. Frequent pregnancy and welping takes years off a dogs life.


    • Very likely she is about due to have a litter. Twice a year is possible with some breeds.If all the previous pups died, it was probably due to hunger. You must supply supplementary milk to many puppies as Mom's milk dries up too early and the pups die from hunger.We are breeders and have learned the hard way. You must be there when she has the pups. You need to cut the umbilical cord near the Mom. You must clean the pups and keep them warm until the Mom has finished having them. You must see to it they get the colostrum (first milk available from Mom) and it has to be within 12 hours. The first milk has nutrients the pups need to stay alive the first 24 hours. We bottle feed ours in between mom's feeding.If your serious about raising pups, get a kitchen scale and weigh the pups twice a day and record the weight. watch for loses. Same weight over a couple of days is OK, but loses are serious.After about 3 weeks they will start moving about more freely and will learn to eat on thier own. A mash consisting of puppy food wet with water enough to soften will attract them and once they learn what it is you can keep some dry food in a seperate dish for them to play with, and eventually they will want the dry. Make sure they drink water and are eating on their own before takeing them from Mom. When Mom is done feeding them, she will nip them when they try to nurse her.

    • it is very possible for her to be pregnant again i just do not understand why exacty you are breeding your dog if you cannot afford or are to dense to take her to the vet to be checked out you would not go through a pregnancy without a doctor why should she how about you just get her fixed and call it a day there are already enough unwanted dogs that get put to sleep everyday why add to that total

    • I am curious as to why the first litter all died. If there had been something drastically wrong they would have been dead at birth.To slowly lose them over 2 months, what did you do? Even mating young and over and over again, it is not common for the whole litter to be lost, not like you say. Did you feed them? Did they get parvo? What?So having said that, your dog could have anything, it could be quite seriously ill if she is pregnant. Lots of things that can happen after whelping can also happen before, like mastitis.Mastitis is an infection of the breast. It can cause temperature, lethargy, lack of appetite, the breast can eventully become so infected it can erupt.There is more than meets the eye with your question. Take your dog to a vet if this is really a serious question, or are you just trying to flame? Yup, I am annoyed at you, and probably many others.