How much does it cost to treat ringworms in puppies?

Recently rescued a litter of puppies from the local shelter. They have bald spots. We were told they may possibly have ringworms. We will be bringing them to the vet first thing tomorrow morning. How much does it typically cost to treat ringworms per…

    How much does it cost to treat ringworms in puppies?

    Recently rescued a litter of puppies from the local shelter. They have bald spots. We were told they may possibly have ringworms. We will be bringing them to the vet first thing tomorrow morning. How much does it typically cost to treat ringworms per…...
    General Dog Discussions : How much does it cost to treat ringworms in puppies?...

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    • How much does it cost to treat ringworms in puppies?

      How much does it cost to treat ringworms in puppies? General Dog Discussions
      Recently rescued a litter of puppies from the local shelter. They have bald spots. We were told they may possibly have ringworms. We will be bringing them to the vet first thing tomorrow morning. How much does it typically cost to treat ringworms per dog? They are four week old pit bull terrier mixes. Thank you

      How much does it cost to treat ringworms in puppies?

      How much does it cost to treat ringworms in puppies? General Dog Discussions
    • You actually rescued a litter of pit mix puppies? What are you? An Angel? Obviously you are. I commend you. A thousand bows to you.I have no idea what the vet is going to charge you to get these little ones healthy.I just wanted to say thank you.

    • you have to see the vet you cant treat ring worm in dogs over the counter and with the fact they are puppies you have to be careful in dosage it shouldn't be much to treat they are small pups just be cautious ring worm is passable to humans so until its treated don't handle the dogs if possible.

    • Depends on the severity of the outbreak and how long it lasts. Some of them will likely respond well to topical treatments (maybe $5-7 each) while others may need systemic anti-fungal meds to clear it up completely (probably around $20). Ultimately it shouldn't be too expensive at all to treat, just a pain in the butt.The biggest problem with ringworm is reinfection, especially with several affected animals in the same house. Clean everything you can with bleach, thoroughly vacuum everything else.

    • I dont think it really costs that much, but im not sure. They do skin tests and then I think give you a prescription cream to put on it. DONT go buy any regular cream. Be sure to be careful too cause if it is ringworm that can spread to you and cause patches of your hair fall out so be sure to wash your hands often. We have had cats that had it when I was really young and my mom said that me and my sister came up with it, but it still is easy to treat if you dont mind bald patches. That was a bad joke sorry. Good Luck!!! :)

    • You can do most of it at home they will need weekly baths/dips with some stuff the Vet can sell you. Get it diagnosed first, may not be ringworm. The dip ain't cheep, and it stinks. I hope you can handle the smell of sulpher. Google ring worm. Get some info.