What are the signs of a false pregnancy in dogs?

SERIOUS ANSWERS ONLY PLEASE!!! Our pug, Olive, got stuck with another pug about 8 weeks ago, has had many signs of pregnancy and now her teats are getting swollen, like with milk...but you feel no puppies or anything in her abdomen. Can she have false…

    What are the signs of a false pregnancy in dogs?

    SERIOUS ANSWERS ONLY PLEASE!!! Our pug, Olive, got stuck with another pug about 8 weeks ago, has had many signs of pregnancy and now her teats are getting swollen, like with milk...but you feel no puppies or anything in her abdomen. Can she have false…...
    General Dog Discussions : What are the signs of a false pregnancy in dogs?...

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    • What are the signs of a false pregnancy in dogs?

      What are the signs of a false pregnancy in dogs? General Dog Discussions
      SERIOUS ANSWERS ONLY PLEASE!!! Our pug, Olive, got stuck with another pug about 8 weeks ago, has had many signs of pregnancy and now her teats are getting swollen, like with milk...but you feel no puppies or anything in her abdomen. Can she have false labor too? Or maybe just one puppy and I can't feel them?

      What are the signs of a false pregnancy in dogs?

      What are the signs of a false pregnancy in dogs? General Dog Discussions
    • just another backyard breeder that dont have a clue... you come here and ask this after 8 weeks??????????????? yes you are ... to a point that you have not taken your dog to a vet for checks. for if you did you would have the answers to your question.... this is your serious answers ..................... GO TO YOUR VET