How can I tell if my dog is pregnant or fat?

i Don't have money for a vet but i would like to know if my dog is pregnant. she has gained a lot of weight since her last period which was about 20 or so days ago.her breast are also kind of big and so is her pee. PLEASE HELP!!!!

    How can I tell if my dog is pregnant or fat?

    i Don't have money for a vet but i would like to know if my dog is pregnant. she has gained a lot of weight since her last period which was about 20 or so days ago.her breast are also kind of big and so is her pee. PLEASE HELP!!!!...
    General Dog Discussions : How can I tell if my dog is pregnant or fat?...

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    • How can I tell if my dog is pregnant or fat?

      How can I tell if my dog is pregnant or fat? General Dog Discussions
      i Don't have money for a vet but i would like to know if my dog is pregnant. she has gained a lot of weight since her last period which was about 20 or so days ago.her breast are also kind of big and so is her pee. PLEASE HELP!!!!

      How can I tell if my dog is pregnant or fat?

      How can I tell if my dog is pregnant or fat? General Dog Discussions
    • Dogs don't have periods! They go into heat, or have an estrus which is also called a season. If you let her out to mate with a male while she was in heat, then she is likely pregnant. That means you'd better get money for a vet, she'll need one a few times through her pregnancy. Depending upon her breed, she may need a C-section as well. At the very least she'll need veterinary care before the puppies are born, a special diet, and of course you'll have to spay her as well after the puppies are gone. I can only hope you didn't allow her to get pregnant during her first heat.

    • Some signs of pregnancy in a dog are appetite change, your dog acting different, and an enlargement of the stomach. Normally you will be able to feel kicking of puppies in the 4th-5th week.Not any sooner. But if your dog hasn't gone into heat then your dog probably isn't pregnant.

    • 1- Watch for sudden changes in the dog's appetite. An early sign of pregnancy is a decreased appetite. This usually happens in the first few weeks of the dog's pregnancy. She'll have an increased appetite as her pregnancy progresses.2- Notice if the dog's behavior changes. A decrease in activity may be a sign of pregnancy. Also see if your dog suddenly becomes either more or less affectionate. Dogs react differently to pregnancy, but the sudden change is the important sign.3- See if the dog's nipples increase in size. Early in a dog's pregnancy her nipples swell as will the tissue underneath the nipples.4- Look at the dog's abdomen if you suspect the dog is pregnant. A pregnant dog's abdomen looks firmer. The size of the abdomen does increase, but how much will depend on the breed and how many puppies the dog is carrying. Unless the abdomen is dramatically bigger, firmness is the better sign.5- Feel the abdomen. Any movement felt in the abdomen is a sure sign the dog is pregnant.6- Pay attention to whether she begins nesting. A pregnant dog makes a soft place to deliver puppies one or two days before she delivers. She might also be more restless during this time. This is the final sign she is pregnant.lasts only 63 dayshope that helped.

    • if you don't have money for the vet, you had better hope she isn't pregnant!! Why not get her speyed? As well as pregnancy, whih can run up some massive vets bills, entire females can develop pyometria, a womb infecton that often kills even if prompt medical attention is sought - treatment is surgery, and expensive! If you care for this dog, reduce her risks of these conditions.You may be able to get a voucher to help with reduced or free neutering if you do some research locally!