What are your experiences with Border Collies?

My Border Collies have been great companions and good sheep herders.I do suspect one of them killed my favorite rooster, however, and chewed up a pair of tennis shoes.All in all, they are "great masters of love and labor."Any good Border Collie stories?…

    What are your experiences with Border Collies?

    My Border Collies have been great companions and good sheep herders.I do suspect one of them killed my favorite rooster, however, and chewed up a pair of tennis shoes.All in all, they are "great masters of love and labor."Any good Border Collie stories?…...
    Dog Breed Discussions : What are your experiences with Border Collies?...

    • What are your experiences with Border Collies?

      What are your experiences with Border Collies? Dog Breed Discussions
      My Border Collies have been great companions and good sheep herders.I do suspect one of them killed my favorite rooster, however, and chewed up a pair of tennis shoes.All in all, they are "great masters of love and labor."Any good Border Collie stories?

      What are your experiences with Border Collies?

      What are your experiences with Border Collies? Dog Breed Discussions
    • No none at all. All the BC round here are not challenged enough and they are hyped up, viscious, horrible dogs. At training classes one went for my staffy pup. In the forest another one went for my labrador so no I really dislike them and most should be on proper farms being put to work like the breed intended. Or they should only be bought by people who know what they require in terms of training and mental and physical chanllenges to keep from unwanted behaviour

    • I've owned 2 border collies in my lifetime, and I doubt I will ever own another breed. While they are definitely not for everyone, border collies can make amazing companions - with the right amount of training and exercise.I could not have asked for a better dog when it comes to my border collie. He and I have an amazing connection with each other which makes training and agility work extremely easy. He has truly saved my life - on more than one occasion. And some days he's still the only reason I get out of bed in the mornings.Adversely, a poorly raised Border Collie can and will make a terrible pet. Under stimulated Border Collies tend to become quite destructive and inevitably go neurotic. Which is why the majority of people should not own this breed.

    • Border Collies are great dogs but they are a dog bred with a purpose and the energy and intelligence to do so. Mine were awesome but we also had a huge horse ranch and they worked on it. 10 to 12 hours a day of constant work. mind stimulation and challenge. So when they were just being pets they were perfect. BUT I could not imagine having one as just a pet and nothing to do. My female was the greatest. My very best friend. She never got into trouble but I made sure she kept busy. Now that I do not have a large herd of horses I could not imagine it would be fair to own one unless I did fly ball or agility they excell in those two dog sports.