How to tell if a dog is pregnant?

How to tell without a vet

    How to tell if a dog is pregnant?

    How to tell without a vet...
    General Dog Discussions : How to tell if a dog is pregnant?...

    • How to tell if a dog is pregnant?

      How to tell if a dog is pregnant? General Dog Discussions
      How to tell without a vet

      How to tell if a dog is pregnant?

      How to tell if a dog is pregnant? General Dog Discussions
    • You can get a good idea if you don't spay for dog and then let her around a un fixed male..Otherwise I think you need a ultra sound-I know that you can also feel your dogs stomach and feel like little Marbles in there- BUT I don't think that is until much later

    • you wait and see if puppies come out of her within the next 2 months.. I personally wouldnt reccommend the "wait and see" method..Pregnant dogs NEED prenatal vet care.. an xray or ultrasound should have already been a planned expense when you chose to breed your dog.Get your dog SPAYED.. the world doesnt need more poorly bred dogs.ADDEDSymptoms of pregnancy are also the same as symptoms of FALSE pregnancy.. you really cannot determine based on symptoms.palpitation should also be left to PROFESSIONALS who know what they are doing. You can injure your dog if you go poking around on her abdomen.

    • their bellies swell and you can feel puppiesthey get moodierthey will begin to make a nest in a dark "safe" spot (usually under the bed or in a closet)when they are close to giving birth their temp will dropBut you NEED to have a vet help you with this (especially with toy breeds as C-sections are often necessary). Have an X-ray done to know exactly how many pups she is carrying because if you dont know and a pup gets caught in the birth canal it will kill the pup and could kill your dog.Im sorry if this comes off rude but if you dont have enough money to get your pregnant dog vet checked then you dont have the money to have puppies as they are VERY expensive.Hope i was of some sort of help.

    • You can actually take ur dog and get a ultrasound done as well as a blood test, a good vet should be able to feel the dogs stomache and tell. There really isnt any way to tell if your not experienced. you could also search it on google there are some real good dog forums.