How can you tell when a female dog is ready to give birth.?

How can you tell when a female dog is ready to give birth.?

    How can you tell when a female dog is ready to give birth.?

    How can you tell when a female dog is ready to give birth.?...
    General Dog Discussions : How can you tell when a female dog is ready to give birth.?...

    • How can you tell when a female dog is ready to give birth.?

      How can you tell when a female dog is ready to give birth.? General Dog Discussions
      How can you tell when a female dog is ready to give birth.?

      How can you tell when a female dog is ready to give birth.?

      How can you tell when a female dog is ready to give birth.? General Dog Discussions
    • She will usually go to an area where no one is around... they usually prefer to be alone when this takes place. She will most likely try to avoid being in your presence when she is ready to give birth, and they should be left alone when giving birth... because they are more prone to bight you.

    • She will find a quiet place to lay down, you may be able to see her contractions, she may also be licking herself a lot. Most will give birth fine by themselves, only interfere if she is having trouble getting the sacs off the babies within a fwe minutes (ie if they are coming one right after the other) or if after a while there are still no pups (I'm not sure on how long, call the vet to see how long is too long to be in labor w/no babies).

    • I remember when I was about seven, a friend of mine used to have a very fat, and frankly kind of grouchy dog. One morning I went over to play in his back yard and we found these slimy little puppies strewn all over the grass.Yeah, actually, I don't really have an educational point to this story, you just brought back a very vivid memory from my childhood. I couldn't tell you what the signs are, but I do remember the dog being fat and grouchy. I doubt that helps much.

    • she will stop eating and will try to get in a comfortable position and cant and will get up and try to position herself over and over again and usually wines while doing it. when she starts doing that keep and eye on her and try to get her in a place you would want her to have the pups like in a box or someplace you have set up for her already put her there and just wait for the pups to come. if she is having problems having the pups bring her to the vet.

    • There is a few silly answers here people need to read the question. It should be around 9 weeks from here last heat. She will breath heavy it sounds almost like chocking. She will clean herself alot. Squeeze her nipples the should release milk. All dogs wont find a quiet or the place you picked but if she seem,s to be digging anywhere, even at the carpet that's probably were she wants them. (Digging means within a week). If this is your first time call a vet and be prepared. Oh she wont eat but encourage her to drink

    • Canines have a gestation period of about 61 roughly two months give or take a few days...when the dog is starting to get ready to give birth she may have unusual behaviors such as nervous pacing or moving bedding..this is a breeding instinct in which the dog is looking for a safe and comfortable place to have her pups. Another sign is the shifting of the abdomen "bulge"..some people will say she has "dropped" reffering to the abdomen going from the higher up position carried through the pregnancy into a much lower hanging position. Also when delivery is extremely may notice some blood, fluid, or even a green colored discharge comming from the vulva...the green is normal..its just part of the placenta.Best thing to do is after about 2 months..when you start noticing these signs..make a private, safe, and comfortable place for the dog to have her pups...some people set up blankets in a closet or even a baby's can cover the sides of the pen with blankets and also cover half of the top of the playpen to give mama some security and privacy. Watch the birthing carefully..make sure the mother is removing the placentas and cleaning the babies..the licking of the babies not only cleans them..but stimulates them to breathe so its very important. If the mother is a first time mom..or doesnt seem to know what to do..get her to a vet immediately. You can assist in the birth by helping to remove pups from the canal, removing the placenta (let mom eat the placenta..its gross but it provides much needed nutrients for her and the pups she will be nursing), and rubbing the pups with a towel until they move and make noise and have a nice pink color to their nose and mouths..if they appear to have a blue or grey tint get them to the vet ASAP.Hope this helps...I am a vet tech so I do this a lot..puppies are so exciting..good luck and best wishes!!