My puppy whines when he poops and his stools are loose but not diarrhea any help?

He was just at the vet who suggested he may have a mild form of colitis and gave me a prescription for such a purpose. But in the mean time his stools are still lose any ideas what I can do to bulk up his stools ?

    My puppy whines when he poops and his stools are loose but not diarrhea any help?

    He was just at the vet who suggested he may have a mild form of colitis and gave me a prescription for such a purpose. But in the mean time his stools are still lose any ideas what I can do to bulk up his stools ?...
    General Dog Discussions : My puppy whines when he poops and his stools are loose but not diarrhea any help?...

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    • My puppy whines when he poops and his stools are loose but not diarrhea any help?

      My puppy whines when he poops and his stools are loose but not diarrhea any help? General Dog Discussions
      He was just at the vet who suggested he may have a mild form of colitis and gave me a prescription for such a purpose. But in the mean time his stools are still lose any ideas what I can do to bulk up his stools ?

      My puppy whines when he poops and his stools are loose but not diarrhea any help?

      My puppy whines when he poops and his stools are loose but not diarrhea any help? General Dog Discussions
    • Home remedies for dog diarrhea includes the incorporation of some minerals including probiotics for dogs, certain herbs and glutamine to the food that they eat. Herbs like plantains and elms are known to be effective home remedies for dog diarrhea. It is also important to note that during the first 24-48 hours of your dog's diarrhea attack, you should not feed them with their usual diet.Instead, you should give them water. To help your dog recuperate fast, you can add probiotic powder to the water you give them. You can also add priobitic powder to the food that you feed them when their condition gets a little better. After giving them the probiotic solution, observe if the diarrhea stops. If it did, don't feed them with dog food right away. It would be wise to feed them small amounts of low-fat food at least three times a day for a week. Bland foods are the best. You can give them tofu, boiled rice, and boiled hamburger. You can also feed them cottage cheese and fresh pumpkins. Fruits like pumpkin contain certain fiber than can aide in your dog's regular bowel movement.Continue this diet for a few days and gradually go back to your dog's normal diet if you observe that their conditions improve. Fluid intake is very important in keeping your dogs away from diarrhea. If your dog develops dog diarrhea, they dehydrate very quickly and thus, giving them enough water supply is very crucial. It is important that you clean their bowl every so often and refill it with fresh water every time they drank it all up. Make sure that you give them fresh and clean water all the time.