What kind of toys should we get our 6 month old puppy so she stops chewing our things?

She is a Husky/Lab mix and very well behaved, she just takes everything out the pet door and chews it up.Paper, wallets, shoes, jeans... anything she can chew.

    What kind of toys should we get our 6 month old puppy so she stops chewing our things?

    She is a Husky/Lab mix and very well behaved, she just takes everything out the pet door and chews it up.Paper, wallets, shoes, jeans... anything she can chew....
    General Dog Discussions : What kind of toys should we get our 6 month old puppy so she stops chewing our things?...

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    • What kind of toys should we get our 6 month old puppy so she stops chewing our things?

      What kind of toys should we get our 6 month old puppy so she stops chewing our things? General Dog Discussions
      She is a Husky/Lab mix and very well behaved, she just takes everything out the pet door and chews it up.Paper, wallets, shoes, jeans... anything she can chew.

      What kind of toys should we get our 6 month old puppy so she stops chewing our things?

      What kind of toys should we get our 6 month old puppy so she stops chewing our things? General Dog Discussions

    • Try something that's hard plastic. We gave our dog these hard plastic frisbees. She loved them. Also, those hard rawhide bones are great. The big ones with the knots on the ends. She'd much rather chew those things, believe me. My dogs LOVED them. And you have to remember: it's like having a kid. If you don't want her to get it, you have to put it up. You can't at her age expect her to be able to resist temptation; she won't be able to. You have to REMOVE temptation until she is a little older and also give her the big rawhide bones. Otherwise she'll start chewing the things you can't put up, like your chair/table legs and your couch. Good luck!

    • Puppies love to chew anything they can find laying around! Get any kind of toy for him. My dog loves stuffed toys with squeaky noise makers inside them. A ball is a good toy, and rawhide chews will satisfy him for a longer time and keep him busy.

    • Puppy kongs work great... you can stuff the center with treats to keep them busy for a while... You can put peanut butter or cheese or whatever and it keeps them busy.. The toy will last for months.. good luck..

    • I have a 10 month old St. Bernard that when the teething hit, he chewed everything. Some things we did. Get him a mix of rawhides and a few Nylabones with different flavors. You can also try the Kong rubber toys and put peanut butter and treats in there. They will chew those things for hours to get the treats out. Another thing we did, at night, we crated him. Once he outgrew the crate, we put him in the entry of our home and gated it off so that he coudln't get in the living room and other rooms in the house to chew while unsupervised. Also you can pick up Bitter Yuck or Bitter Apple and spray it on the things you don't want your puppy chewing on. Good luck! The joy of a puppy!

    • take a rag or old wash cloth and soak it then freeze it. let the puppy chew on it to soothe its gums while its teething. just be sure you watch it and don't let it swallow it.

    • Well, the toys will not help if you do not also train her. You must correct her each and every time she starts chewing on anything that is inappropriate. This means that she must either be under your constant supervision or confined where she does not have access to anything she should not chew when you can't watch her 110% of the time.She's teething right now. Some good choices are nylabones, raw (NOT COOKED) meaty bones, frozen stuffed Kongs, and frozen pieces of apples or carrots. Don't give too many toys at the same time or the dog will tend to think of everything as hers. Just give her a couple toys at a time and rotate them.And, of course, this is the perfect way to learn to put your things away where she does not have access to them. Puppies are very good at teaching this lesson.

    • Put away the stuff you don't want to get chewed-- watch out for dangerous things that can get lodged in her throat or intestine. Some puppies will chewe ANYTHING-- so you need to supervise her. Get in touch with a dog trainer-- get in touch with a Husky and or a Lab Rescue group and ask them how THEy deal with chewing puppies. Remember, dogs behavior is sometimes Breed Specific, so any help you can get will benefit you AND your puppy.Buy her a chew toy -- a KONG is excellent-- you can fill it with special Kong treats and she can spend HOURS playing with that.Squeaky toys "scare" me -- sometimes they are so chewed up by the dog/puppy that the dog swallows the squeaker AND/or the toy.HOWEVER -- remember PUPPIES DO CHEW -- it's only natural. So check with your vet for more helful information.

    • Sounds weird.....but pigs ears! Dogs love 'em, at least my dog did and it stopped him from chewing as he preferred the taste to my shoes! You can get them from pet shops cheaply.

    • That's definitely the lab in her! Just make sure you keep things out of her reach. Buy her a kong and fill it with little treats or PB or a nylabone. Remember, dogs go through teething stages, just like kids do. =)

    • I had a five month old puppy ( he recently went missing ) but when he started chewing things I got him tennis balls and stuffed squeaky toys hat had meat flavors to them and when he chewed on those we told him he was good and anything else we told him he was bad and I now it soundsstupid but puppiesare just as smart as toddlers one word to teach them good, no and say it sternly