How do i get my dog to not chew thingd?

I need my puppy to stop chewing things if he does not stop my parents might get rid of him please help

    How do i get my dog to not chew thingd?

    I need my puppy to stop chewing things if he does not stop my parents might get rid of him please help...
    General Dog Discussions : How do i get my dog to not chew thingd?...

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    • How do i get my dog to not chew thingd?

      How do i get my dog to not chew thingd? General Dog Discussions
      I need my puppy to stop chewing things if he does not stop my parents might get rid of him please help

      How do i get my dog to not chew thingd?

      How do i get my dog to not chew thingd? General Dog Discussions
    • Chewing is a sign of nervousness. Give him something that can be chewed on. And not old pair if shoes. He needs a chew toy. Keep things you don't want chewed out of reach from him

    • there are a lot of anti-chew sprays that you can get, if you see your dog start to chew on something, spray a little there and the next time your dog attempts it they will get a bad experience, and eventually it will associate that bad taste with chewing on things.also give them plenty of safe things to chew on.

    • Training!!! dogs and owners both need training, chew toys are whats needed your dog is bored stiff probably or nervous one or the other.Try socializing your dog more too (lots of long long walks)You can try anti chew sprays too but they tend not to work either that or you have to spray everything in your house every day to stop this! trust me when i say your dog will just find something else to chew!

    • Joe the above link might be of some help however all pups chew because they are bored or are in pain with their teeth coming through. Your parents need to understand this because they would'nt get rid of a teething baby would they? You sound vey worried so make sure you pup has a safe bone to chew on and keep him away from a room that has lots of furniture with wooden legs. My GSD is 9 months old and so far all he has destroyed is a duvet that I bought for him, he has a nice bone and I tire him out with walks and such he also has an indestructible ball. Your Vet can give you a pain killer and once the pup's teeth are through he will stop chewing everything in sight. Pick up clothes and shoes Joe so you are helping the dog.The best of luck to you both.

    • if its a pup it will probably be a while make sure he or she has plenty of toys. When it chews something that they are not suppose to. let him know he has done wrong. If it is a older dog you might be fighting a losing battle. Either way it takes alot of time to teach a dog. Giving more attention and securing the pet while unattended well probably be your only way of not losing the pet.

    • puppy might be board get lots and lots of play and walks. Also training the Leave it command is a god send. The pup may be teething so get it chew toys. anti chew sprays might help. In my experiance most dogs chewing is boardom tho if the dog is tired it will not be detructive