I am interested in getting a border collie but how much excercise is normal for such an active dog?

I know border collies have basically endless energy so I was just wondering how much exercise is enough. If you have successfully owned or do own a border collie, what kind and how much exercise did you give it each day? Or if it wasn't successful, what…

    I am interested in getting a border collie but how much excercise is normal for such an active dog?

    I know border collies have basically endless energy so I was just wondering how much exercise is enough. If you have successfully owned or do own a border collie, what kind and how much exercise did you give it each day? Or if it wasn't successful, what…...
    Dog Breed Discussions : I am interested in getting a border collie but how much excercise is normal for such an active dog?...

    • I am interested in getting a border collie but how much excercise is normal for such an active dog?

      I am interested in getting a border collie but how much excercise is normal for such an active dog? Dog Breed Discussions
      I know border collies have basically endless energy so I was just wondering how much exercise is enough. If you have successfully owned or do own a border collie, what kind and how much exercise did you give it each day? Or if it wasn't successful, what do you think you did wrong?

      I am interested in getting a border collie but how much excercise is normal for such an active dog?

      I am interested in getting a border collie but how much excercise is normal for such an active dog? Dog Breed Discussions
    • Honestly, my experience with these dogs has been that I would not own one unless I had a working ranch and had livestock for it to herd on a daily basis or unless I was heavily involved in a competitive dog sport and I was going to be practicing and competing with my dog on a daily basis. In my opinion, they are not good pets for the vast majority of dog owners. And I absolutely love this breed. But they need to be working dogs to be truly happy.We have had several ones come through our humane society and we typically send them to border collie rescue because it is hard to find a right owner. I used to own a border collie mix but her energy level was more like her retriever half than her border collie half.

    • They are working dogs and if you have allot of fenced ground you should be OK, but they are dogs that need something to do and they do not well home alone for long periods, they can also get very depressed and can do damage in the house out of boredom, and a crate will break their spirit and sometimes make a great dog sad & angry, you could always look into a breed rescue, they may have an older one that is calmer, allot have had owners that died, had to go into nursing home or move and the dogs are great, breed rescues will go out of their way to match the right dog with the right person, I got 2 greyhounds that way, different as night & day, but perfect for me and they get along with my Black Lab, 1 is an Alpha female and she keeps the 2 under control, I really don't have to much but feed and walk them (and love them)

    • They need at least a couple of hours vigorous exercise a day. However it's not just energy burning they need; they MUST have mental stimulation as they're very intelligent dogs. It's pretty important to get them enrolled in an advanced training class so they can do something with their brains - and preferably get them into agility classes so they can use their brains and their bodies.Many border collie pets I see have gone a little mad from lack of proper stimulation; you can see it by the way they show the whites of their eyes and are so jumpy and snappy. I would never have a border collie because they take SO much effort to treat properly and I just wouldn't have the time or energy, but I sure wish more people just didn't get them if they couldn't spend this amount of effort.Chalice

    • From my own knowledge on BCs: A LOT of exercise!! BCs not only need a lot of exercise physically, but also mentally. They are working dogs so they constantly need to be occupied and doing something, otherwise they get bored, aggitated, and can get destructive. I did this HUGE school project on BCs and had to find info on every single part of BCs (personality, history, etc.), and two of the things I had to find was Behavior and Care. They both link together since you have to give them the right exercise and mental activities, otherwise, they can go bananas in their behavior. I could not believe what I found, so I definitely suggest for u to search up BCs.This info is from dogbreedinfo.com:Physical exercise alone is not sufficient for this very intelligent and highly energetic dog. They want to work and must do so with body and mind as one, carrying out different tasks. Fast and agile, these lively little dogs have boundless energy and thrive on hard work and play. They should also be taken on a long, brisk daily walk. They are a delight to see streaking after a ball or bringing straying sheep back to the fold. This is from another great website about BCs and their exercise:How much exercise does a Border Collie require?Actually this is an unanswereable question. It is similar to posing the question "How much exercise does a hyper child need?" or "How far does a thoroughbred horse have to run each day?" Obviously you could keep the child locked in her room or the horse confined to his stall all day, but this, for most of us, is an unacceptable response. To truly exercise a Border Collie, you must be willing to put in a couple of hours each day, in some form of exercise or activity. Border Collies can remain confined to the house all day while you are away at work but do not expect to come home and relax. You don't have to jog endless miles with your dog (though you can if you'd like) - mental exercises are often the most exhausting activities for Border Collies - but you must do something with them each day. Otherwise, they will find an outlet for their excessive energy and countless Border Collie owners can attest to this fact. I've included some of the Border Collie "horror stories" from current owners just to show I'm not making this stuff up. Border Collies have been described as having the energy output of a miniature nuclear reactor. And like all nuclear power, it can be quite dangerous if it is not controlled.I hope it doesn't sound too scary, cuz BCs can make fabulous pets! Also, they have a really strong herding instinct. Their herding instinct is actually one reason why BCs end up in rescue. A larger proportion of the dogs are given up because they have bitten someone, almost inevitably a child. The herding instinct, if strong, is overwhelmingly incompatible with a household containing children - particularly when the child and adult owners have not been trained or educated in how to deal with the peculiarities of the herding instinct. Border Collies can make good family pets, but only for those dogs that do not have the intense herding instincts and for the families prepared to deal with the ramifications of this behavior.So yeah, there you go I guess?? lol, sry for all of this really long info, just wanted for u to know about BCs, and plz definitely go to my 2nd source, okay?

    • they need a lot of attention. they are hyper dogs too; but very loving :) i have a weimaraner and she is a buttload to handle :I but she is so sweet. so it is really up to you and how much time you have to spend with the puppy.

    • I own a border collie and foster them for a rescue group. It all depends on age,as a puppy they need exercise,but you cannot over work a pup. Its not only physical exercise they need but alot of mental exercise. A bored border collie is as destructive as a tornado,I'm not kidding either. I take my 1 year old to a dog park once or twice a week for good exercise and socialization. I play with him outside an hour or more a day,depending on the heat,which is one thing you have to watch for a border collie will run run runrun until it falls overs with heat exhaustion. If you can get involved in "competitive" obediance classes or a flyball team that would be awesome,flyball works their mind and body,and of course obediance works the mind. They love learning and doing a job. They are not for everyone,thus why alot of them end up in shelters. Do alot of research and talk to your local border collie rescue(if any) to find out more. I suggest rescueing a dog,they can place you with the perfect dog with your lifestyle or a dog to meet your needs. Adult bc's act just as young as pups do and learn just easy,if not easier. I get along great with my guy because I make sure he gets everything he needs mentally and physically,if you give them that they can be the perfect and well behaved dog. So I hope that helps.Alot of border collies,not all have a strong herding instinct,they all have it but some more than others. They often nip during play and can herd small children and animals,if one shows this behavior it needs to be corrected,you can't take it out of them but let them know when its appropriate. It can be dangerous especially with small children. You can actually enroll bc's into herding classes and then in which you can compete it. There are so many activities to keep your bc busy.