If you shave a border collie, will the fur grow back normally?

The reason I ask is that our border collie loves to run with my husband, but now that he is an adult his fur is much longer and he gets heat stressed easily. We were thinking about shaving him for the summer to make it easier on him, but have had pets in…

    If you shave a border collie, will the fur grow back normally?

    The reason I ask is that our border collie loves to run with my husband, but now that he is an adult his fur is much longer and he gets heat stressed easily. We were thinking about shaving him for the summer to make it easier on him, but have had pets in…...
    Dog Breed Discussions : If you shave a border collie, will the fur grow back normally?...

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    • If you shave a border collie, will the fur grow back normally?

      If you shave a border collie, will the fur grow back normally? Dog Breed Discussions
      The reason I ask is that our border collie loves to run with my husband, but now that he is an adult his fur is much longer and he gets heat stressed easily. We were thinking about shaving him for the summer to make it easier on him, but have had pets in the past whose fur never grew back right after being shaved (for other reasons). The dog's fur is so beautiful, we'd hate to see that happen.What's been your experience?

      If you shave a border collie, will the fur grow back normally?

      If you shave a border collie, will the fur grow back normally? Dog Breed Discussions
    • Sometimes it grows back fine, but when one of my old dogs had a small surgery, the vet shaved a patch of fur off, and it grew back a reddish-brown color (our dog was black) and it always stayed shorter than the rest of his fur.But that was shaving to the skin, so if you're talking about just making his fur shorter, it may be different.

    • We shave my Aussies a couple of times each summer. The summers are so hot and humid here that the dogs get really hot when they are out and working cattle/horses. My father's aussie died of heat stroke a couple of years ago because the dog refused to quit working when my dad tried to make him stop for a water break. I clip them for the final clip of the summer in August and by winter they have a long, beautiful coat again. I have had nothing but great experiences with body clipping my dogs. They love it when they get clipped and just lay there enjoying it. It's like they know how much cooler and more comfortable they will be with all of the hair gone!

    • Border Collies, like Aussies, are designed to run / work all day - Even with his longer fur, he can outrun your husband 20-fold.Don't worry about shaving him...give him lots of water when they get home, or even soak him with the hose out in the yard before / after they run.

    • don't shave him! especially in the summer, I know the coat looks hot but with double coated dogs, it actually provides them with protection from the heat and from sun exposure. If the running with your husband is too much, then it is too much, regardless of the fur. The age of your dog is important, no dog under 2 should be a running companion for a person, they're still growing and that kind of exercise can damage bones.

    • Unless he has an underlying health problem, the fur will grow back just as nice as it was before clipping him.Keep in mind, though, that the outercoat on a border Collie is designed as protection from the sun and heat as well as cold and damp!I would suggest you get a good undercoat rake and start taking out the soft, wooly undercoat, his outer coat will lay closer to his body all summer and the undercoat will start to grow back in in the fall.Feel free to email me at [email protected], I have written a book called "Groom Your Own Border Collie".

    • i wouldnt shave him, dogs with undercoats like there can grow back funny. its just not the same afterwards. i would look into getting a fur-minater, its designed to strip out alot of excess hair from the undercoat. you wouldnt believe what you can pull out! we have a 30lbs aussie, we used one on her and filled 2 kitchen sized trash bags. its like "where does it keep coming from!"