How much to trim when cutting dogs nails?

How much to trim when cutting dogs nails?

    How much to trim when cutting dogs nails?

    How much to trim when cutting dogs nails?...
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    • How much to trim when cutting dogs nails?

      How much to trim when cutting dogs nails? General Dog Discussions
      How much to trim when cutting dogs nails?

      How much to trim when cutting dogs nails?

      How much to trim when cutting dogs nails? General Dog Discussions
    • This is a hard one to tell you without showing you. Take the dog to the groomers, such as Petsmart and they can show you exactly what to look for. It really depends on the dog and it is really hard when they have black nails. I'm too scared to do it so i pay the 8 dollars to Petsmart and let them do it!

    • if the dog has white nails then if you look closely you should be able to see a light pink vein in them, cut them as short as you can without clipping the vein b/c that will cause the nail to bleed
      if the dog has black nails then just trim off the very tip so that the nail isnt curved down where when the dog walks he will be on his nails
      but if its a larger outside dog then you probably dont have to trim any b/c they wear their nails down on their own

    • If you dog has white claws you trim just below the quick (the pink bit inside the claw) not too close though. If your dog has black claws its a lot harder, I just take the tip off, after a week or so the quick will recede back then you can tip it again, so on and so forth, However. I do recommend getting a vet or a professional groomer to show you haw to do it the first time.

    • How To Trim Your Dogs Nails

      Trimming your dogs nails can be safely done at home. Learn to correctly do a dog nail trim rather then have it down at a veterinary clinic.

      Dogs who lead an active lifestyle and are able to walk on pavement are able to keep their nails worn back but couch-potato dogs will more then likely need to have their nails trimmed. This can be done at an animal hospital or for the more adventurous type, you can learn to trim nails at home. It is important for the health of your dogs feet that the nails be kept trimmed, long nails can be painful, lead to arthritis, and begin to grow into the pad.

      Go for a long walk, at least 45 minutes (shorter for older dogs, you should know what your dog can safely tolerate). A good dog is a tired dog. The walk should be controlled, you are the alpha, the dog should walk at your side, not in front.
      Assemble what you need - dog nail trimmers (I like Rescos), styptic powder - in case you cut a nail to short, paper towel - in case of bleeding.
      Hold your dog so that it is lying on the floor, small dogs can be on a table. I find it easier if the dog is lying on its side, if needed someone can hold for you. The holder should sit with the dogs back to them, their left hand holding the dogs bottom front leg, the right hand holding the bottom back leg. The forearms should rest across the dogs neck and abdomen. By holding the bottom legs the dog will not be able to get up. If the dog is anxious placing a towel over it's face may help keep the animal calm.
      Resco nail trimmers should be held so that the trigger is in your fingers the back of the trimmer in your palm.
      Hold your dogs paw firmly and push on a digit to extend the nail further. Cut the nail from the bottom up. With clear nails you should be able to see the quick or blood supply, it will be the pink portion of the nail. Avoid the pink, try to stay about 1/8" away from the pink portion. Ideally your cut should be at a 45 degree angle. If the nails are dark, cut small amounts or just shave off bits at a time until you see a black dot surrounded by white in the center of the nail. The black dot is the quick so you shouldn't cut anymore.
      If you cut a nail to short it will bleed, sometimes a lot. Have a paper towel ready to blot away any blood and hold against the nail for a few minutes. Direct pressure really helps, next apply styptic powder to stop the bleeding. If you don't have styptic powder sometimes flour or cornstarch will work. If the bleeding doesn't stop within 10 minutes call your veterinarian, they can get the bleeding stopped for you.
      The nails will feel very sharp to you after they've been cut so be careful not to get scratched. Walking on pavement is a good way to keep nails filed and worn down. If your dog will tolerate it, try using a nail file after trimming the nails.
      Don't get bit. If your dog may bite you over a nail trim then leave it to the professionals, it's not worth an ER visit.


      : ) Good luck : )
      : )

    • on the dogs nail there will be its nail, and then a pink part. NEVER cut the pink part. that is their skin and if you ever do by accident, then could bleed to death. cut a little bit above the pink part. if for some reason one of the dog's nail is black, put it in the light and you'll be able to see the pink part.

    • You only need to cut the very tip off your dogs nails. Use a proper pair of safety clippers especially made for this purpose, it's easier and safer that way.

      Be careful not to cut too much or you may cut into the 'quick' which is where the blood vessel runs through the nail. It's fairly easy to see if your dog has white/pale nails, but if they're black or dark be extra cautious as you can't actually see the quick.

      Have some styptic powder on hand just in case. It stops the bleeding very quickly. If you do happen to cut into the quick it may bleed quite a bit (this can be surprising if you're not expecting it!) so this powder is very useful to have.

      If you haven't cut dog nails before/are really nervous about it/would like someone to show you how it's done you can either take your dog to the local groomer or your veterinarians office and ask them to do it for you. Watch carefully and you'll be more confident yourself the next time.

      There's lots of information, tips and advice on cutting your dogs' nails at the url below. Good luck

    • This can be tricky. What color is the nails? White/light are easy to do. It's the black ones that are hard. The nail has a quick [vein] that runs down the center of the nail. It does not go to the outer edge of the nail but in the dark nails, it is hard to know where the quick ends and the clippable nail begins. I take my guy to Petsmart. They charge 8.00 for a nail trimming.