Severe liquid diarrhea and gas in dog

Hi all. I have 2 7 month old pups that I rescued when they were 10 weeks old. Not sure what breed but vet thinks some sort of hound and maybe Corgi. I had then at a board and train the vet recommended for 1 month and when I got them back they had lost a…

    Severe liquid diarrhea and gas in dog

    Hi all. I have 2 7 month old pups that I rescued when they were 10 weeks old. Not sure what breed but vet thinks some sort of hound and maybe Corgi. I had then at a board and train the vet recommended for 1 month and when I got them back they had lost a…...
    General Dog Discussions : Severe liquid diarrhea and gas in dog...

    • Severe liquid diarrhea and gas in dog

      Severe liquid diarrhea and gas in dog General Dog Discussions
      Hi all. I have 2 7 month old pups that I rescued when they were 10 weeks old. Not sure what breed but vet thinks some sort of hound and maybe Corgi. I had then at a board and train the vet recommended for 1 month and when I got them back they had lost a ton of weight....from training I think...and they were both straining when they pooped which I assumed was constipation. Well its just the opposite. One has just had regular diarrhea since being back 1 week but the other has liquid diarrhea and was vomiting before being put on metronidazole and being hospitalized. I also changed him to a bland diet of rice and hamburg per vet. Parasite testing came back negative. He is acting ok and keeping food down but still has the liquid diarrhea which I thought was getting better but I think it was due to the pain meds binding him up that he's not on anymore. He's been on metro for 5 days now. X-rays showed a LOT of strange gas bubbles in his stomach that the vet almost thought was due to a perforation and was outside the stomach. But he doesn't look septic and got a bit better with IV metro. Blood work came back normal with slight elevation in monocytes. I have pet insurance but not a huge chunk of change at hand. The vet is stumped at this point. Does anyone have ANY idea what this could be????

      Severe liquid diarrhea and gas in dog

      Severe liquid diarrhea and gas in dog General Dog Discussions
    • Hi and sorry to hear about your dogs condition,

      To me since they are puppies and they had both vomiting and diarrhea it is Parvo Virua which there is no cure and the only solutions is supportive medications and food supplements such as vitamins. And in some case anti-biotics to prevent any second bacterial infections.

      But Me or any body else would not be able to help you and I would strongly recommend you to take your dog to a Veterinary Hospital.

      Please keep us updated regarding their condition.

      Good luck