How much does your dog like fruits and veggies?

He once had some vegetable soup and will very occasionally eat frozen raw carrot... but is has to be frozen.Oh, also he likes sweetcorn, but I do try and stay away from that as it just passes straight through him.

    How much does your dog like fruits and veggies?

    He once had some vegetable soup and will very occasionally eat frozen raw carrot... but is has to be frozen.Oh, also he likes sweetcorn, but I do try and stay away from that as it just passes straight through him....
    General Dog Discussions : How much does your dog like fruits and veggies?...

    • How much does your dog like fruits and veggies?

      How much does your dog like fruits and veggies? General Dog Discussions
      He once had some vegetable soup and will very occasionally eat frozen raw carrot... but is has to be frozen.Oh, also he likes sweetcorn, but I do try and stay away from that as it just passes straight through him.

      How much does your dog like fruits and veggies?

      How much does your dog like fruits and veggies? General Dog Discussions
    • I've found that most dogs love vegetables and fruits. Some prefer other vegetables and fruits, so you can try broccoli, cauliflower, green beans, snow peas, blueberries, orange slices, diced and peeled apple, zucchini, squash, etc. Do not give your dog onions, garlic, grapes or raisins because they are toxic to dogs. Dogs are like people, they like different foods and a lot depends on how a dog is raised too. Try different vegetables and fruits, and you will find what a dog likes the most. Also, some prefer steamed vegetables as to raw, so you can also try that with a dog.My dogs like vegetables and fruits one of them loves carrots, another likes broccoli an cauliflower, they all like green beans and fruits.Every dog is different but vegetables and fruits make good treats for dogs. They have no fat, and are high in fiber and nutrition for dogs. Best of luck with your dog. Hope I helped.

    • I have 3 dogs. One LOVES fruits and veggies. Seriously, this dog would do anything for a banana! One won't touch anything resembling a fruit or vegetable and the last one picks and chooses.Just look up which ones to avoid. I think onions, grapes, and avocados are all on the no no list.

    • I have two dogs; one that will eat anything, and one who is strangely picky. The first one- as far as we know- will only refuse olives, but will eat anything else including shoes, plastic, paper, and pillow cushions. He surprises me how fast he can wolf down a plate of pasta. I dont think he chews it. The other one will smell his food, think about it, and if we're not trying to trick him into eating bananas, he will eat it very slowly. I think he does this becuase he knows there may be some doggie medicine hidden in the food, which he hates. But all dogs LOVE peanut butter!

    • Eh, my pup likes carrots and pears, but he only chews on the carrot because he's still a puppy and teething helps prevent sore gums. He LOVES blueberries. That's just about it. He kind of likes lettuce but he only likes chewing on the stem part to get the juice out. He also likes cooked and boiled green beans. (plain) Apples are ok but he's not crazy about them..... But blueberries have got to be his favorite fruit. :)