Whats the truth about pitbulls?

they seem to have a love have, many fan wars over the apbt and the American bullies, Are bullies considered pitbulls? and in places where pitbulls are banned do they mean bullies too?

    Whats the truth about pitbulls?

    they seem to have a love have, many fan wars over the apbt and the American bullies, Are bullies considered pitbulls? and in places where pitbulls are banned do they mean bullies too?...
    Dog Breed Discussions : Whats the truth about pitbulls?...

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    • Whats the truth about pitbulls?

      Whats the truth about pitbulls? Dog Breed Discussions
      they seem to have a love have, many fan wars over the apbt and the American bullies, Are bullies considered pitbulls? and in places where pitbulls are banned do they mean bullies too?

      Whats the truth about pitbulls?

      Whats the truth about pitbulls? Dog Breed Discussions
    • There are a lot of factors that go into the "pit bull" thing.1.) Anywhere from 3 to 20 breeds and mixes are identified as "pit bull" in most breed bans. If it looks vaguely like an American Pit Bull Terrier then it counts as one as far as the law and many people are concerned.2.) The American Pit Bull Terrier and its two cousin breeds are inherently aggressive towards other dogs and other animals, though human aggression is not and never has been tolerated in the breed. Unfortunately, many backyard breeders these days ARE breeding for aggression because they are clueless idiots. Additionally, many people do not realize that aggression to other animals does not correlate to aggression toward humans. As such, when a couple pit bulls kill a horse the outcry is understandable, though misguided.3.) Pit bulls are on the list because, as I said earlier, many people cannot differentiate between an American Pit Bull Terrier, American Staffordshire Terrier, or Staffordshire Bull Terrier. Now there are "American Bullies" which are mixed breed dogs. I know bulldog/lab mixes that can easily be misidentified as pit bull mixes since people don't know how to actually identify them. Anything with a short coat, stocky build, and thick muzzle becomes a pit bull mix to many people.Look at animal shelters and animal control, look how often they take a stab in the dark on a breed mix and are completely wrong. I had a husky that escaped and wound up at the shelter. They told me they'd have listed him as a border collie mix. I saw an Akita/lab mix listed as a pit mix simply because of its short coat and floppy ears. Nevermind the dog was far too big to be a pit bull or any recent-generation pit mix.4.) The CDC has long ago released a statement that states its stance on using their statistics for breed legislation. They agree that the basis of their statistics is inherently flawed as it is full of holes. It relies on REPORTED bites, and bites are almost always only reported when they cause injury. This rules out most small and medium dog bites, leaving only large breeds. Furthermore many of the breeds on the top 10 are not breed-specific at all, as far as the average bite victim is concerned. Bulky black and tan dog becomes a rottweiler or rott mix. Slender black and tan dog is a doberman or doberman mix. Nobody thinks of coonhounds or dachshunds when the dog bites. Short-haired, stocky dogs become pit bulls or pit mixes. Short-haired, tall dogs become great dane mixes. Black and white dogs with any kind of spotting pattern become dalmatians. Anything vaguely fuzzy with a black muzzle becomes a GSD or Akita mix. You can't expect somebody in the heat of the moment, who is startled and emotional, who is statistically unlikely to be very familiar with more than a handful of breeds, to accurately identify anything.http://www.understand-a-bull.com/Findthebull/findpitbull_v3.htmlhttp://www.seefido.com/dog-discussion-forum/important-data-from-newspapers-and-other-media-f36/facts-about-dog-bite-statistics-t10740.html[Add] In most areas that "pit bulls" are banned the legislation will usually go so far as to describe that any dog with a PASSING RESEMBLANCE to the American Pit Bull Terrier counts as a pit bull. If the legislation says no pit bulls, assume no bullies, staffies, or mixes unless otherwise specified. Some even go so far as to ban bull terriers.@Mark - Don't watch the news much, do you?

    • American Bullies as well as American Bulldogs, Bandogs, and a dozen other mostly-mongrel landraces are lumped under the "bully" breed category. No one can agree whether the term "Pit Bull" should apply ONLY to the APBT or to any/all related or physically resembling breeds.In general, any place that bans "Pit Bulls" includes under that label: American Pit Bull Terrier, American Staffordshire Terrier, Staffordshire Bull Terrier, American Bully, Alapaha Blue Blood Bulldog, and any dog that kind of looks like them including: certain Boxer mixes, Presa Canario, Cane Corso, Dogo Argentino, Bull Terrier, etc. Generally, the bans are based on looks alone (since there is no way to prove the breed or mix of a dog) so anything that has brindle coloring, a big head, cropped ears, a broad chest, or a neighbor with a vendetta isn't really safe - there have been purebred Jack Russell Terriers and Labrador Retrievers killed or almost killed due to mis-identification. I personally wouldn't risk owning any dog not registered as a clearly legal breed in any place with a breed ban.

    • When it comes to dog attacks, many dogs are wrongly identified as pitbulls. However, when it comes to banned breeds being seized, where i live the same rule doesn't seem to apply. Nearly everyone i know that has dogs have staffies, and none of these dogs have been seized for being mistakenly identified as a pitbull, which are banned.

    • Generally speaking most bans are specific about which breeds are included that way there aren't any loopholes. Most places with bans leave dogs of mixed origins alone as long as they aren't problem animals. It is just as hard for them to prove what your dog is as it is for you to prove what he isn't.

    • The American Bully IS NOT an American Pit Bull Terrier. They are mutts. The term " pit bull" is a blanket term that includes many breeds such as ...The American Pit Bull TerrierThe American BulldogBandogsThe American BullyThe American Staffordshire TerrierThe Staffordshire Bull TerrierThe Alapha Blue Blood BulldogThe Olde English BulldogThe Boston TerrierThe Bull TerrierThe Mini Bull TerrierThe White Bull Terrier Certain Boxer Mixes Certain Rhodesian Ridgeback MixesWith all these breeds being mistaken for one breed its no surprise to me that "pit bulls" have a higher bite rate then other breeds. It is actually the AmBully that is responsible for most attacks because idiots breed them to be aggressive towards everything that moves. I have grown up with American Pit Bull Terriers, Am-Staffs Staffies and American bull dogs and I have never seen one of these dogs hurt anyone. I have however seen Labs and AmBullies nearly kill people. In my opinion all of the breeds up on that list are harmless except the AmBullyHere's a picture of the AmBully- http://www.google.com/imgres?q=American+Bully&hl=en&biw=1024&bih=396&gbv=2&tbm=isch&tbnid=6TftjCtv5-nJPM:&imgrefurl=http://www.bullydomination.com/home.htm&docid=4xslkG5FvisX5M&imgurl=http://www.bullydomination.com/stank_01.jpg&w=350&h=372&ei=6Y2lTr-3GqbY0QHZ_q2KBQ&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=483&vpy=5&dur=4469&hovh=231&hovw=218&tx=132&ty=169&sig=101780416726453598431&page=2&tbnh=166&tbnw=159&start=4&ndsp=4&ved=1t:429,r:2,s:4Now here's the American Pit Bull Terrier- http://www.google.com/imgres?q=american+pit+bull+terrier&hl=en&gbv=2&biw=1024&bih=357&tbm=isch&tbnid=EskebmzVBNtlqM:&imgrefurl=http://americanpitbull.biz/&docid=tZF4dW6xlkk0HM&imgurl=http://americanpitbull.biz/wp-content/uploads/2009/02/american_pit_bull_terrier_-_seated_sm.jpg&w=336&h=364&ei=co6lTp_zNKXj0QGJroXKDw&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=730&vpy=2&dur=5078&hovh=234&hovw=216&tx=65&ty=145&sig=101780416726453598431&page=1&tbnh=162&tbnw=166&start=0&ndsp=5&ved=1t:429,r:4,s:0See the difference? Yet some people can't tell the difference. between that over grown mutt and a real APBT. As for your question about the ban. If a place has BSL then ALL the breeds I listed will be affected.

    • When Pitt bulls or bullies are banned they mean any dog that is or resembles a Pitt bull. It's stupid and it's too bad people are dumb enough to believe what they hear instead of doing their own critical thinking and research. A beautiful breed with an ugly stereotype.