Advise on purchasing an English Bulldog Puppy...?

At the moment, this is just an idea and no execution of the plan has been initiated towards buying one. However, growing up in my mid to late teens my family and I often remarked how fun it would be to have a <a href="">bulldog</a>, we think theyre really cute dogs…

    Advise on purchasing an English Bulldog Puppy...?

    At the moment, this is just an idea and no execution of the plan has been initiated towards buying one. However, growing up in my mid to late teens my family and I often remarked how fun it would be to have a <a href="">bulldog</a>, we think theyre really cute dogs…...
    Dog Breed Discussions : Advise on purchasing an English Bulldog Puppy...?...

    • Advise on purchasing an English Bulldog Puppy...?

      Advise on purchasing an English Bulldog Puppy...? Dog Breed Discussions
      At the moment, this is just an idea and no execution of the plan has been initiated towards buying one. However, growing up in my mid to late teens my family and I often remarked how fun it would be to have a bulldog, we think theyre really cute dogs and are easily amused by their nature, namely myself and my sister. All i know about them is that they require less exercise than the other dogs, and are known for having breathing problems because of their facial/nasal geometry. I also read somewhere that some bulldogs can get self destructive, in that they'll start to bite, tug and harm their coats eventualy injuring themselves in the process. I got a picture in my head of course, as to what a young male bulldog would be like. Im guessing theyre fiercely loyal, have no problem with just laying around doing nothing (occasional walks perhaps...) and basicly do plenty of bizzare daft things to amuse their owners. I think bulldogs have the cutest 'bark's , by far the best.

      Advise on purchasing an English Bulldog Puppy...?

      Advise on purchasing an English Bulldog Puppy...? Dog Breed Discussions
    • Bulldogs need some exercise. They seem to get overheated easy and are not so compatable with stairs. They are also considered High maintance. I have had interaction with many Bulldogs and Bulldog owners. And the one thing I noticed , as a whole, was the time they took on basic maintance of the dogs when they got home from work. Taking outside to poop, then inside to clean them up. Clean the eyes, ears, and wipe their butts. Also a wipe down of the wrinkles to make sure they were clean. The whole process mostly took between 20-30 minutes. They are very loyal and are very curious dogs. Loved to play tug of war and are pretty active overall. Very playful too.I have always thought about a Bulldog as a pet and would love one. However, the time and health issues of the breed have gave me hesitation. The breathing problems and the Texas heat give me pause for an animal that seems like an awesome dog all the way around.Good Luck.

    • Do a lot of research and have a lot of money to spend. They get tons of health problems, so anyone who wants a bulldog should start an emergency medical fund before they bring one home. Its not a matter of "Will I have to spend thousands in medical bills" but "when will I spend thousands in medical bills?"

    • Alot of English Bulldogs can have health problems. But not all. Don't be put off on the breed . Just make sure you buy from a reputable breeder that has good healthy stock. That their hips,elbows and eyes have been checked. And that they have a health guarantee. Bulldogs are very loyal and loving and great clowns. They make great family pets and will be your best friend . Like any dog they can get skin problems. Their wrinkles make them susceptible to itchy skin from built up dirt in them. But as long as you take care of your dog and keep them clean you should have no problems. I know lots of people who have very healthy ,stable, loving English that are a joy to their owners. If you live somewhere where the heat or cold might pose a problem you might think about an Alapaha Blue Blood Bulldog. Many look alot like the English but bigger and none of the breathing ,temperature, or breeding problems. They do require exercise but mine love being couch potato's and snoring. You can see what they look like and talk to owners of them at this yahoo group site there are alot of nice pics posted there.

    • I am a bulldog owner -- own a 2 yr old male and a female puppy that is just 8 weeks old. We absolutely love the bullies and think that they are a part of our family. Here are my pieces of info/advice for you --1) Do a lot of research! Look on the internet, there are a lot of resources, such as bulldog clubs, bulldog rescues, etc. They can give you a lot of great info on the breed iteself, etc. 2) They are expensive -- on average running about $1500 and up for a puppy. They are expensive because a lot of them are artificially inseminated and are given birth by c-section. 3) As with all pure breds, they are prone to problems -- with most of the bulldog owners that I've run across, most of them have issues with allergies (skin problems), and entropion (issue with their eyes that may require surgery).4) They need only a minimal amount of exercise -- they overheat quickly, so if you're looking for a running partner, a bully isn't it. A short walk daily will usually do. Our 2 yr old is a little unusual, he's very playful and has a lot of energy! 5) They do shed -- most people don't think that they do, especially with their short hair. 6) They snore and fart! As with all dogs, their personalities differ with each other. My older bully doesn't have any anxiety issues, we leave him at home all day and he has not destroyed a single thing, with the exception of an old rug that he chewed the corners of as a puppy. He is a great dog and we socialized him with other dogs when he was a puppy, so he gets along with other dogs just fine. Just keep in mind that when you get a dog, regardless of the breed, give your dog a fair amount of exercise, rules and training and start early! Don't give your dog run of the house -- if you do, it may lead to problems when they get older! I find that it's not so much the breed, but how well you raise and train them. Good Luck, bullys are great dogs!!! We just adore ours.