Size of Pitbulls?... Genetically enhanced or what?

I ran into a website last night, it had pictures of pitbulls and they were huge and I don't just mean muscular I mean they were BIG, Like over 100lbs and they stand as tall as a man... The site says they are pure pitbulls but I remember my vet telling me…

    Size of Pitbulls?... Genetically enhanced or what?

    I ran into a website last night, it had pictures of pitbulls and they were huge and I don't just mean muscular I mean they were BIG, Like over 100lbs and they stand as tall as a man... The site says they are pure pitbulls but I remember my vet telling me…...
    Dog Breed Discussions : Size of Pitbulls?... Genetically enhanced or what?...

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    • Size of Pitbulls?... Genetically enhanced or what?

      Size of Pitbulls?... Genetically enhanced or what? Dog Breed Discussions
      I ran into a website last night, it had pictures of pitbulls and they were huge and I don't just mean muscular I mean they were BIG, Like over 100lbs and they stand as tall as a man... The site says they are pure pitbulls but I remember my vet telling me that pitbulls don't weigh over 80lbs.. Now how the hell did they create a pitbull that big? Are they really purebred or did they cross breed it with another type of dog? Did they give them growth hormone or steroids or something because they look like monsters..Here's the link

      Size of Pitbulls?... Genetically enhanced or what?

      Size of Pitbulls?... Genetically enhanced or what? Dog Breed Discussions
    • There are unscrupulous breeders who trying to breed bigger and badder dogs. They do this by reguarly cross breeding larger individuals. It isn't consistent with the standard or good the for the breed. I would avoid any breeder that engages in this practice.

    • Holy crap, I HATE That site. I regularly reference that site so people know just exactly what shitty things are happening to the pitbull population these days. People are breeding and breeding bigger and bigger, and it's disgusting. Your vet is right, they shouldn't get over 80 lbs, and even 80 lbs is huge. Breed standards call for about 30-60 lbs, and around 20 inches tall. Most people believe that bigger is better with pitbulls, and are willing to pay horrendous amounts of money for dogs that weigh well over 100 lbs.There's several different things that come in to play, you can breed the biggest and baddest of each litter (iron cross is famous for their inbreeding) and continue to grow the line bigger and bigger, or you can cross breed. however, iron cross kennels is a UKC registered kennel, so his dogs haven't been outcrossed with other breeds. He just picks the biggest and baddest from each litter and breeds them over and over to each other, inbreeding, outbreeding, and all other sorts of shit.You can truly call that guy... a byb... he's in it for nothing but looks and money, and is doing NOTHING to better the breed. NOTHING.I wish I could punch that guy in the face for the damage he's done to the APBT breed.

    • I absolutely agree with the first responder. Pitbull dogs are not supposed to be that big. The stress on their bones and joints would mean obivious health problems, and some that may not be so obivious. Besides, pitbulls are a handfull anyway. Why would you want them bigger?

    • What an a-hole. (not you, the guy on the website). I swear to god, it's like those dogs are sex symbols for him or something? sick sick sick!Exactly what the former post said - he's just inbreeding the biggest dogs of litters. and again - they really shouldn't get over 60 pounds. 80 pounds would be huge. *sigh*dogs are not science experiments.......

    • APBT's are rather small dogs 60-80lbs depending. A dog that big makes me think of a Dogo. Its kind of like one of us bulking up on can be done but its not safe or recommended. The life span would be much shorter than what nature intended. I agree, stay away from breefers like that. They are in it for money not the preservation of the breed.

    • Yeah pretty sure he mainly sells to people who want to be bada$$ and get all the women. I mean did you notice the chicks and pits link disgusting. No dog should be forced to inbreed to make larger dogs. I hope that place is shut down it's a disgrace to dog breeders everywhere.

    • he could be crossing them with dogo argentinos or some other mastiff, cause pits are generally 35-60 lbs, some pushing 80, but they are rarely sound dogs.

    • Typically American Pit Bull Terriers can range from 30lbs to 65lbs, I have a 1 y/o 38lb female APBT who is the PERFECT size dog for me. She is very typical to breed standard for APBT.Regardless of his disclaimers (on the website you linked to), he may in fact not be breeding with "mastiffs or bulldogs", but most likely with cane corsos and other large wide breeds if he is. His dogs look like Cane Corso mixes and/or Alapaha Blue Blood Bulldog mixes to me. Seriously (google both to see photos). Not just crossbreeding (if he's getting away with it), obviously there's a high level of inbreeding to get these dogs. They are not, by any means, healthy animals. See, this is why pit bulls are in the danger they are in, because of cross-bred, inbred and poorly bred dogs, and your temperament results, because of this, are NEVER breed standard as well.For a good idea on how Pit Bulls are supposed to look, check here. Until many of these kennels are shut down (and there are hundreds of them, and thousands of basement breeders), pit bulls will remain in a serious crisis. We need tougher animal husbandry laws, and regulated breeding programs for dogs that ARE 100% breed standard.

    • I think they are crossed with a boerboel or something they are HUGE! I have a 7 month APBT hes 40 lbs. I really think they crossed them pitbulls with something they are monsters..

    • Any breed can go up or down is size by picking larger or smaller dogs to breed. It is rare but apbt can get that large. It dose look to me they are using some other breed those just do not like like the everyday pit bull