What is your favorite thing about your dog...best quality. And what kind of dog do you have?

ADD:Also if you could have any breed in the world what would it be?I would either have a Siberian Husky, Dalmatian, or Alaskan Klee KaiBut I can't think of a more perfect dog than the two I already haveI have a poodle and he is so smart....he keeps me on…

    What is your favorite thing about your dog...best quality. And what kind of dog do you have?

    ADD:Also if you could have any breed in the world what would it be?I would either have a Siberian Husky, Dalmatian, or Alaskan Klee KaiBut I can't think of a more perfect dog than the two I already haveI have a poodle and he is so smart....he keeps me on…...
    Dog Breed Discussions : What is your favorite thing about your dog...best quality. And what kind of dog do you have?...

    • What is your favorite thing about your dog...best quality. And what kind of dog do you have?

      What is your favorite thing about your dog...best quality. And what kind of dog do you have? Dog Breed Discussions
      ADD:Also if you could have any breed in the world what would it be?I would either have a Siberian Husky, Dalmatian, or Alaskan Klee KaiBut I can't think of a more perfect dog than the two I already haveI have a poodle and he is so smart....he keeps me on my toes and he dances. I love it when he dances.I have a Jack Russell mix and she is always happy. Loyal and she is just my cuddle bug. She can read me better than anyone

      What is your favorite thing about your dog...best quality. And what kind of dog do you have?

      What is your favorite thing about your dog...best quality. And what kind of dog do you have? Dog Breed Discussions
    • I have an apbt and he is so smart. Puts his toys in his toy box when I tell him to clean up. Goes to his room when company comes. I've had many dogs over the years (many years) and all of them have been special and different, but this one seems to learn faster than the others ever did. Funny story, I am a truck driver and my truck has an automatic window on the passenger side, when my dog would jump up in the passenger seat I would put the window part way down for him. After a while I noticed that when he jumped up in the seat he would look at the window real hard an whine a little and I realized he thought he was making it go down.

    • If I could have any breed in the world I would probably have an English Setter or English Pointer. I have a Labrador Retriever and I love how her whole body wiggles when she wags her tail. =D

    • Skeeter is a chihuahua. She is not a show dog, but she is loved by all who meet her. She should be an ambassador for the breed. She loves everyone. I have been offered many times by people to buy her. Even now at age 7, people want her. She is so loving and smart and cute and cuddly and on and on. She is perfect in my eyes, depsite her bobbed tail(she was born with a very crooked tail and we had it bobbed). She has a slight hump in her back, longer legs than normal but to me and everyone who sees her she is perfect.Chihuahuas are and always will be my breed of choice.

    • My 17 year old Golden is my baby, I love all my dogs but Sam is so special, his personality, his protectiveness and his love so un conditional! He is as loyal as any dog could be all my dogs would do anything asked of them at any time it is simply amazing! I have three now had 4 but one passed a few months ago.I like Shepherds, but I also love my Golden. so it would be one of those two as my favorite dog.

    • We have a black lab (Isaac) and his best traits would be that he is a large lab but has a super gentle nature. Other good traits would be the funny and sometimes unexplainable things he does while playing, riding in the car or going on a walk where sometimes I think he is human! We had to have our other dog put down this morning after 16 wonderful years with him so if I could have any other breed in the world I would want him back.

    • I have a weimaraner, he is almost 9 months old. He is just the greatest dog i could ever ask for! There is so many things i LOVE about him, but my favourite is how much he just loves to cuddle with us. He is a big suck! As for what breed i could have in the world .... well i always did want a weimaraner, and now i have him. I will also say that i have an interest in the saluki's as well, but dont plan on getting one.