is there any breed that looks like the alaskan klee kai, but......?

is there any breed that looks like the <a href="">alaskan klee kai</a>, but is less expensive. that is the same size and color? because AKKs are really expensive and so rare.

    is there any breed that looks like the alaskan klee kai, but......?

    is there any breed that looks like the <a href="">alaskan klee kai</a>, but is less expensive. that is the same size and color? because AKKs are really expensive and so rare....
    Dog Breed Discussions : is there any breed that looks like the alaskan klee kai, but......?...

    • is there any breed that looks like the alaskan klee kai, but......?

      is there any breed that looks like the alaskan klee kai, but......? Dog Breed Discussions
      is there any breed that looks like the alaskan klee kai, but is less expensive. that is the same size and color? because AKKs are really expensive and so rare.

      is there any breed that looks like the alaskan klee kai, but......?

      is there any breed that looks like the alaskan klee kai, but......? Dog Breed Discussions
    • No, the closest you could come to it would be a Siberian Husky with a genetic disease. Once in a rare while you get a dog that has dwarfism (the same mutation that created Corgis and Vallhunds, etc.). Maybe maybe cheaper, but not likely you'll find one.You could contact AKK rescue, but as I'm sure you know, they're a rare breed and not too likely to turn up in rescue.Breeds that are similar in size and slightly similar in body shape (but not really in color) include the American Eskimo Dog, Keeshond, Schipperke and the German Spitz (which is anothe rare breed, so you're probably not interested).

    • Same size and color? I don't think so. However, there's the American Eskimo which is pretty similar, but white. There's also keeshonds which look more similar. With both breeds, though, you need to check into them regarding temperaments, grooming, exercise needs, and health to be sure they'd fit your life style.

    • nope, sorry. The husky is similar, but larger.. many dogs with dwarfism have health issues and do not live more than a few years.. depending on the type of dwarfism.The american eskimo dog is similar in size to the AKK, just pure white. Keeeshounds are the size of a "standard" AKK... not quite marked the same tho.They are expensive, because they are rare. They are more common in other countries.. they are a UKC breed. You should try looking at breeders overseas.. it may actually be cheaper to buy a puppy and have it shipped than to find a breeder here in the US.Although, really, dont pick a dog based on looks and size.. you should get one that fits your lifestyle.. if you are energetic, look for an energetic dog.. if you are abit of a couch potato, look for a less energetic breed. How much time are you willing to designate each day for grooming? Do you want a dog thats protective of the home, or a loveable goofball who knows no strangers?