does any one own these small dogs and which are dog friendly?

that will get along with my own young Chihuahua who is a year oldhere are what i am thinking about please helpAlaskan Klee KaiBoston TerrierEnglish Toy SpanielFrench BulldogPapillonJapanese ChinPomeranianSilky Terrierand yes i know they are all differnt…

    does any one own these small dogs and which are dog friendly?

    that will get along with my own young Chihuahua who is a year oldhere are what i am thinking about please helpAlaskan Klee KaiBoston TerrierEnglish Toy SpanielFrench BulldogPapillonJapanese ChinPomeranianSilky Terrierand yes i know they are all differnt…...
    Dog Breed Discussions : does any one own these small dogs and which are dog friendly?...

    • does any one own these small dogs and which are dog friendly?

      does any one own these small dogs and which are dog friendly? Dog Breed Discussions
      that will get along with my own young Chihuahua who is a year oldhere are what i am thinking about please helpAlaskan Klee KaiBoston TerrierEnglish Toy SpanielFrench BulldogPapillonJapanese ChinPomeranianSilky Terrierand yes i know they are all differnt dogs i am just narrowing my list down i like them all

      does any one own these small dogs and which are dog friendly?

      does any one own these small dogs and which are dog friendly? Dog Breed Discussions
    • I own a papillon. Here's some information about their good and bad traits: dogs will be dog-friendly if properly socialized..

    • Yes I own pomeranians and they get along with other dogs if they are raised with them. That is pretty true of most breeds though. But yes, poms get along with other dogs. They are delightful little dogs, very happy and confident all the time. You just need to teach them when they are puppies not to bark and they need to understand that they are NOT the dominant one, that humans are dominant. I know some people will disagree, but I would be very careful about getting any type of terrier if you have another small dog. Terriers are very feisty and will attack just about anything smaller than themselves, and sometimes even things that are much larger. They were bred to kill vermin and smallish creatures and that instinct is still very strong in most terrier breeds (including a french bullie). So just be careful of that. Jap Chin is an excellent choice if you are wanting a calm lap puppy. They were bred to totally just sit in your lap. The toy spaniel is also a pretty calm, good lap dog. Paps and the AK Klee Kai I don't know too much about, sorry.Good luck with your choice.

    • I have a Boston Terrier. She is the most wonderful baby! I have never had a dog as smart or as loving. They are a pretty lazy breed and like to nap. they do have energy burst's but they don't last long. Good with kids and other animals. They aren't really small small though. They average between 15 and 25 pounds, any smaller and you will run into genetic defects. They are not really a true Terrier though. they are a cross between many different types of Bull dogs, but were first crossed on an Engilsh Terrier. They are truly a Terrier only in name. Good Luck!

    • I own a Japanese Chin. She is the best, i usually hate toy breed dogs but i love Japanese Chins.They bark very little unlike most toy breeds and also they need very little grooming I do it all. My chin gets a bath once a week, gets brushed 3 times or more a week, and i cut her hair short once a year for summer. Hannah has the best personality she love people. She doesn't really like other dogs that much but if she knows them shes fine. Japanese Chins are truly the best toy breed.Good luck! If you would like to email me my email is [email protected]