Where Can I Find This Breed Of Dog?

I've always wanted an <a href="https://dogencyclopedia.net/articles/entry/9-alaskan-klee-kai/?s=d3f86eb062b589c716ca01e4bdffd57c06f93bad">Alaskan Klee Kai</a>, and I just found out the name of them today, and I searched petfinder.com, and its not a breed listed on there.I'd really like to own one of these dogs some day, and I want to find reputable breeders or rescues…

    Where Can I Find This Breed Of Dog?

    I've always wanted an <a href="https://dogencyclopedia.net/articles/entry/9-alaskan-klee-kai/?s=d3f86eb062b589c716ca01e4bdffd57c06f93bad">Alaskan Klee Kai</a>, and I just found out the name of them today, and I searched petfinder.com, and its not a breed listed on there.I'd really like to own one of these dogs some day, and I want to find reputable breeders or rescues…...
    Dog Breed Discussions : Where Can I Find This Breed Of Dog?...

    • Where Can I Find This Breed Of Dog?

      Where Can I Find This Breed Of Dog? Dog Breed Discussions
      I've always wanted an Alaskan Klee Kai, and I just found out the name of them today, and I searched petfinder.com, and its not a breed listed on there.I'd really like to own one of these dogs some day, and I want to find reputable breeders or rescues that I can contact to arrange a meeting with to get one.I'd much rather find one from a shelter, but it looks like they aren't a recognized breed yet..(If you've never seen or heard of this dog, google it, its AMAZING!)

      Where Can I Find This Breed Of Dog?

      Where Can I Find This Breed Of Dog? Dog Breed Discussions
    • Perhaps you should visit local animal rescues and shelters and see if they have any there.If there aren't any at a local rescue or shelter, perhaps they could give you a number to call to see where you would be able to adopt one.Good luck and I hope I helped you!

    • You are correct, the alaskan klee kai is not yet AKC recognized. The breed is relatively new and VERY expensive. Did you know the average price for one of these dogs is $2000+ ?I have never seen a dog like this at a rescue. In terms of reputable breeders, I know the alaskan klee kai was developed by one woman in particular somewhere on the west coast. She would probably be your best bet for a reputable breeder. Otherwise, search online for what makes a breeder reputable.Most importantly, they should have a health guarantee, screen applicants for puppies, offer to take the dog back if you can no longer keep it, and be extremely helpful in general, etc. etc.

    • Hmm... yes, I've heard of them, and they look and sound lovely, but I don't like your chances of getting one. They are still very rare, in my experience. Have a look at the dog club for your country/state (I don't know where you live, so I can't really help), visit dog shows, talk to friends, just generally ask around. With patience and dedication you may be able to get one some day.Be warned though, as it is a rare breed, if you do find a rescue or breeder, they will want to interview you thoroughly to make sure you are the right owner for one, and you have to able to prove you would be a good owner.I wish you all the best.

    • Folks, BEWARE - this is NOT a recognized, legitimate breed, nor is the UKC a legitimate registry. The only valid registry in the U.S is the AKC, all the rest, CKC and this UKC in this website, are made up by puppy mills and back yard breeders posing as legitimate.There is no such breed as a Klee Kai, seems to be some smaller version of a legitimate breed that somebody got the idea to sell to people as a real breed.You can't find one on Petfinder or a breed rescue because this is NOT a breed at all - this is a con by an enterprising breeder with a fancy website.Don't buy it - if you want a malamute, get one - not some stunted version being touted as a new breed.This is a con!!!

    • Ok actually on petfinder.com there is 1 and only 1 for sale. just look under klee kai. the dog is in Indianapolis, IN.... hope this helps. u can even c a video of it. and yes ive heard of this breed i actually thought about getting one but i desided to get sumthing else

    • The Alaskan Klee Kai is a UKC recognized breed. If you check on the UKC website, you'll find the breed standard and a breeders list - - there are 18 listed on the UKC site. http://www.ukcdogs.com/RegistrationBreeders.htmIt's a fairly new breed - with a somewhat narrow gene pool and and it seems that some breeders are far more serious about health issues than others -- just look at the breeder listings at ukcdogs.com and note how many do health checks.... talk to those breeders first. In addition to the common issues of hips, eyes and patellas, there is a bleeding disorder that you need to be aware of - and it can be tested for. In my experience with this breed, temperaments tend to vary a bit so it's a good idea to meet as many dogs and breeders as you can to decide if this is indeed the right breed for you.If it's at all possible, try to get to Kalamazoo MI on June 14 as there will be a specialty show in conjunction with the 15th Annual UKC Premiere show. Finally, the United Alaskan Klee Kai Association does have a website -- http://www.uakka.com they have a breeder listing at http://www.uakka.com/breederlist.htmGood Luck in your search!