Should I get an alaskan klee kai or a siberian husky?

I live in houston, love to play sports, and i'm almost 14 yrs. old. I've been onthe fence about which one to get. If you can tell me where i can get one even better. Thanks.

    Should I get an alaskan klee kai or a siberian husky?

    I live in houston, love to play sports, and i'm almost 14 yrs. old. I've been onthe fence about which one to get. If you can tell me where i can get one even better. Thanks....
    Dog Breed Discussions : Should I get an alaskan klee kai or a siberian husky?...

    • Should I get an alaskan klee kai or a siberian husky?

      Should I get an alaskan klee kai or a siberian husky? Dog Breed Discussions
      I live in houston, love to play sports, and i'm almost 14 yrs. old. I've been onthe fence about which one to get. If you can tell me where i can get one even better. Thanks.

      Should I get an alaskan klee kai or a siberian husky?

      Should I get an alaskan klee kai or a siberian husky? Dog Breed Discussions
    • Do you want a big dog or a little dog?A Klee Klai is difficult to find.. there's very few of them in the US.. a Husky will be much easier to find.Do research on huskies tho before you decide to get one.. they are not an easy breed to keep. You can find one easily in a shelter or rescue tho

    • I own a Siberian Husky, they require a lot of energy, a fenced in yard, they tend to be houdini's...they can get out of anything! If you have the time and patience then I'd go with a Husky.Oh and they are sometimes hard to train! Very stubborn dogs. They like the cold more than the hot. You can't let them off leash unless it's in enclosed area. If you decide to get one, do a lot of research and I would recommend getting one from a rescue. Just type in Siberian Husky rescues and I'm sure there would be one. Good luck!!

    • I think you shouldn't make your decision until you actually meet one of these dogs. You should really make a bond with one of these dogs before you get the dog. I had a siberian husky when I was younger and I was very scared of it. We kept it in a cage. I feel very bad about that. You should really bond with a dog before you buy one. If it's a healthy dog of course it will love to play sports with you. Sorry but I don't know where to get one. My little story supports my opinion because I was so scared of the dog that the dog and I never had a good relationship. I wish you a lot of luck with your new dog!