How big does this dog breed get?

I have a 7 month old husky/pit bull that I would say is about 60-70 pounds. We got her free from a family giving her away on Craigslist when she was 7 weeks old. How big do you think she'll get?

    How big does this dog breed get?

    I have a 7 month old husky/pit bull that I would say is about 60-70 pounds. We got her free from a family giving her away on Craigslist when she was 7 weeks old. How big do you think she'll get?...
    Dog Breed Discussions : How big does this dog breed get?...

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    • How big does this dog breed get?

      How big does this dog breed get? Dog Breed Discussions
      I have a 7 month old husky/pit bull that I would say is about 60-70 pounds. We got her free from a family giving her away on Craigslist when she was 7 weeks old. How big do you think she'll get?

      How big does this dog breed get?

      How big does this dog breed get? Dog Breed Discussions
    • Your guess is as good as anyone else's. You don't know what you're getting when you have a mixed breed dog. Likely the dog will be somewhere between the size of a pit bull and a husky. Your vet might be able to predict since they can actually see the dog and judge by its paw size and musculature.

    • "husky" can mean anything from Siberian husky to Klee kai. An "Alaskan husky"((fancy term for "Mutt bred to pull")) might not even have any spitz breed in them, let alone husky! So a "Husky" might be anywhere from 20 pounds to 90. It's pretty much the same with "Pittbull". Pitbull is not an actual breed, but a generalization of many breeds from the smaller Staffordshire terriers to the giant American bullies. When most people say "pitt", they actually mean a staffy or an "american pittbull terrier" ((which is just "staffordshire terrier" to most kennel clubs, actually)), At this stage, she should be nearing her adult height. Keep in mind, some dogs never stop growing till they are four years old! So she'll probably be 80-90 pounds total. Edit:I misread 7 months as 7 weeks.