How much glucosamine can I give a 40 pound dog?

DO NOT give it to much glucosamine. A dog can overdose on vitamins. If you aren't completely sure how much to use, call your vet and ask them. Your dog can have severe reactions if given to much glucosamine or any other vitamin.

    How much glucosamine can I give a 40 pound dog?

    DO NOT give it to much glucosamine. A dog can overdose on vitamins. If you aren't completely sure how much to use, call your vet and ask them. Your dog can have severe reactions if given to much glucosamine or any other vitamin....
    General Dog Discussions : How much glucosamine can I give a 40 pound dog?...

    • How much glucosamine can I give a 40 pound dog?

      How much glucosamine can I give a 40 pound dog? General Dog Discussions
      DO NOT give it to much glucosamine. A dog can overdose on vitamins. If you aren't completely sure how much to use, call your vet and ask them. Your dog can have severe reactions if given to much glucosamine or any other vitamin.

      How much glucosamine can I give a 40 pound dog?

      How much glucosamine can I give a 40 pound dog? General Dog Discussions
    • From what I've been told by my vet, you really can't hurt them with glucosamine. I guess it's like other vitamins and minerals. The body will take what it needs or can absorb and then just dispose of the rest. I had the same question when my Red Heeler had two consecutive knee surgeries over a year and a half ago. We've had him on Arthogen ever since with great results and no worries of over doing it. And in the case of Arthogen it's even recomended to double the dosage for the first week or two. Just follow what the label of whatever you are using recomends for your dog's weight and you should be fine.

    • The dog is a little older and is looking a bit arthritic.ThanksI know not to give too much. But I don't know how much is too much. That is why I'm asking the question.

    • Read the bottle-especially if it the glucosamine for dogs. My bottle tells me to give 1 tablet for my 24lb Lhasa apso but I give him 2. He does much better on that dose. Don't worry about overdosing it's water soluble & he'll pee it out.