My alaskan malamute has blood in her diarrhea?

My <a href="">alaskan malamute</a> got into some kitty litter and our family's great danes food yesterday (which is very grainy) This morning she vomitted and poop (diaharrea). I put her outside while i cleaned the mess and she pooped again but this time with a little…

    My alaskan malamute has blood in her diarrhea?

    My <a href="">alaskan malamute</a> got into some kitty litter and our family's great danes food yesterday (which is very grainy) This morning she vomitted and poop (diaharrea). I put her outside while i cleaned the mess and she pooped again but this time with a little…...
    Dog Breed Discussions : My alaskan malamute has blood in her diarrhea?...

    • My alaskan malamute has blood in her diarrhea?

      My alaskan malamute has blood in her diarrhea? Dog Breed Discussions
      My alaskan malamute got into some kitty litter and our family's great danes food yesterday (which is very grainy) This morning she vomitted and poop (diaharrea). I put her outside while i cleaned the mess and she pooped again but this time with a little bit of blood. What should i do?

      My alaskan malamute has blood in her diarrhea?

      My alaskan malamute has blood in her diarrhea? Dog Breed Discussions
    • My dog had blood in her poo and sick, we took her to the vets they gave her an ultra sound, and put her on a drip over night, we had her back within 2 days and she was back to her happy self, take her to the vets, and i am sure they will be able to sort it out!

    • Give her a bland diet consisting of plain boiled white rice and a protein such as plain boiled hamburg, plain boiled chicken or plain yogurt. The bland diet should help settle her stomach. If she is still vomiting and having diarrhea after 24 hours or she becomes lethargic, stops eating or drinking, she needs to see a vet.

    • i took my dog to the vet two days ago and while waiting i read on one of their pamphlets that vomiting and blood in the diarrhea are symptoms of a ringworm or something similar and if you don't take immediate action it could be fatal to your pet. Take her to the vet immediately!!!!!! Please do NOT wait!!!!

    • Fast her for the day. Water only. If she is behaving normally other then the diarrhea I wouldn't worry. Keep the cat box in another room with a baby gate so she can't get to it in the future. I would worry more about worms from the cat cr*ap then anything else.