alaskan malamute has diarrhea and vomiting, any suggestions on what is wrong?

I just bought a 3 yr old <a href="">alaskan malamute</a> last night, she hasn't eaten since I got her. I woke up to find she had gone diarrhea 2 times in the middle of the night and has since been vomiting and hasn't really slept, Is something wrong with her or is it…

    alaskan malamute has diarrhea and vomiting, any suggestions on what is wrong?

    I just bought a 3 yr old <a href="">alaskan malamute</a> last night, she hasn't eaten since I got her. I woke up to find she had gone diarrhea 2 times in the middle of the night and has since been vomiting and hasn't really slept, Is something wrong with her or is it…...
    Dog Breed Discussions : alaskan malamute has diarrhea and vomiting, any suggestions on what is wrong?...

    • alaskan malamute has diarrhea and vomiting, any suggestions on what is wrong?

      alaskan malamute has diarrhea and vomiting, any suggestions on what is wrong? Dog Breed Discussions
      I just bought a 3 yr old alaskan malamute last night, she hasn't eaten since I got her. I woke up to find she had gone diarrhea 2 times in the middle of the night and has since been vomiting and hasn't really slept, Is something wrong with her or is it just from the stress of being in a new environment with a new owner? please help!She hasn't changed food either, the previous owners gave me all of her food they had left.

      alaskan malamute has diarrhea and vomiting, any suggestions on what is wrong?

      alaskan malamute has diarrhea and vomiting, any suggestions on what is wrong? Dog Breed Discussions
    • If you just bought her it could be just nerves, but have you changed her food recently? If you changed her food she could be having digesting problems. If so switch back to the food she had before.ADD: So if you have been giving her the same food that the owners have left perhaps they were having the same problem? Or your dog could just be stressed.

    • New pups/dogs should be seen by a vet, for a wellness exam/bloodwork and to have a stool sample analyzed within 48-72 hours after taking the dog home. You can ask the vet during this appointment. Sorry, but this is not a psychic, and no one would, but a vet, would have any idea what's wrong with the dog. I have common sense, and if I had a dog that was doing this, I'd at least place a call to my vet. I certainly would NOT ask total strangers for advice.

    • The stress of moving to a new home can be enough to lead to digestive upset. If that is the case she should be better in a couple of days. You might try withholding her food overnight and then feeding her several very small meals over the next twenty four hours. If it's stress related a little GI rest should take care of it.There are many other reasons for vomiting and diarrhea. If she seems depressed, listless and refuses to eat I'd recommend that you get her examined to rule out a disease process. It's always a good idea to take a new dog in for an exam as a general rule of thumb.