Will an Alaskan Malamute be comfortable in New York?

I want to get a miniature <a href="https://dogencyclopedia.net/articles/entry/10-alaskan-malamute/?s=43d528c1a2eb3bc2b9f946192aff0099a0d353c8">alaskan malamute</a> or just a regular <a href="https://dogencyclopedia.net/articles/entry/10-alaskan-malamute/?s=43d528c1a2eb3bc2b9f946192aff0099a0d353c8">alaskan malamute</a> but I live in New York and I am afraid that it might get too hot for it in the summer? Does anyone have any experience with this type of dog and share their views?Just to add,…

    Will an Alaskan Malamute be comfortable in New York?

    I want to get a miniature <a href="https://dogencyclopedia.net/articles/entry/10-alaskan-malamute/?s=43d528c1a2eb3bc2b9f946192aff0099a0d353c8">alaskan malamute</a> or just a regular <a href="https://dogencyclopedia.net/articles/entry/10-alaskan-malamute/?s=43d528c1a2eb3bc2b9f946192aff0099a0d353c8">alaskan malamute</a> but I live in New York and I am afraid that it might get too hot for it in the summer? Does anyone have any experience with this type of dog and share their views?Just to add,…...
    Dog Breed Discussions : Will an Alaskan Malamute be comfortable in New York?...

    • Will an Alaskan Malamute be comfortable in New York?

      Will an Alaskan Malamute be comfortable in New York? Dog Breed Discussions
      I want to get a miniature alaskan malamute or just a regular alaskan malamute but I live in New York and I am afraid that it might get too hot for it in the summer? Does anyone have any experience with this type of dog and share their views?Just to add, I live in Suffolk County, on Long Island.

      Will an Alaskan Malamute be comfortable in New York?

      Will an Alaskan Malamute be comfortable in New York? Dog Breed Discussions
    • Iv had an Alaskan Malamute~"Jasper",,give plenty of shade & water in the summer & indoors in the heat of the day with a fan on the dog & it will be fine.I have a Siberian Husky ~"Jett" now & do that with him too. I just get a fan & aim it towards the dog but we usually have several fans going anyhow or the ac.I must remind people,,do not wet your dog with a hose or by any other means when the dog is over heated because it can send a dog into shock.They ARE beautiful dogs & love the winter ;O)

    • I grew up with a Malamute and Huskies in Michigan. Our dog did fine in the summer, however we had a large yard with lots of shade trees and her "room" was in the basement where it stayed cool year round. She rarely came up to the main floor during the summer (we did not have air conditioning) but was perfectly fine in her room. As long as the dog has access to shade, water and a cool spot to spend the summer days, it should be fine. There will be days when you have to be more vigilant, just like there are days in winter where certain other breed owners have to be more vigilant with their thin coated dogs. We did have her shaved one summer for a surgery, and I would not recommend that. Her coat grew in horrible for the next winter leaving her without a functioning undercoat to keep her comfortable. One thing I feel I have to mention as well is that Mals are known for digging. If you do not have a large yard that you are prepared to donate to your Mal as a big sandbox to dig holes in, I would steer you away from them. Ours used her holes to help keep her cool in the summer, so it served a purpose, but she definitely made a mess of her run. Best of luck, they are one of my favorite breeds.

    • First, there is NO SUCH thing as a Mini Malamute. IF someone is breeding these. they are NOT purebred!! Stay FAR away from them!!!!!Secondly, a Malamute will be fine in NY. I have a friend that has been breeding them for years in Virginia. They will be fine in NY.