How do you train a dog to be friendly to strangers and other dogs?

You need to socialize your dog. Sign up for obedience where your dog can be socialized in a controlled setting. Your dog will be educated and you will be properly trained.This way you set the dog up for success and he gains confidence. In addition, you…

    How do you train a dog to be friendly to strangers and other dogs?

    You need to socialize your dog. Sign up for obedience where your dog can be socialized in a controlled setting. Your dog will be educated and you will be properly trained.This way you set the dog up for success and he gains confidence. In addition, you…...
    General Dog Discussions : How do you train a dog to be friendly to strangers and other dogs?...

    • How do you train a dog to be friendly to strangers and other dogs?

      How do you train a dog to be friendly to strangers and other dogs? General Dog Discussions
      You need to socialize your dog. Sign up for obedience where your dog can be socialized in a controlled setting. Your dog will be educated and you will be properly trained.This way you set the dog up for success and he gains confidence. In addition, you learn how to be a good leader for your dog and take control. Obedience will give you great skills to take care of this dog for its life.

      How do you train a dog to be friendly to strangers and other dogs?

      How do you train a dog to be friendly to strangers and other dogs? General Dog Discussions
    • you simply have to socialize your dog and if you dog does something wrong as in, jumping up on the person, trying to bite the person, you should step in and correect the dog or puppy. puppies or dogs who are annoying other dogs at the park, will correct them by bearing their teeth or nip at them as if to say "I don't like that, stop!" even the most gentle dogs get annoyed sometimes and will do this. This is bite inhabition, correcting young dogs not to bite their "elders" or older companions.although are you talking about an older dog (18 months and older?) or a younger dog (18 months and younger)

    • i don't need to train my dog to be friendly to strangers.i have an alaskan malamute as a dogand as their natural behaviour they are friendly to strangers already.about another dog.a while ago, we had a visitor and they brought their dog at home.the dog (which was a shitzu) and our dog were both shaking.they were both afraid of each other and i don't know why..while both of them bites too much!!

    • This is a very basic question and the answer is training classes, where it will be socialised in safety and you can learn some very basic things about training, which can them be practised at home.

    • It's all in how you behave with your dog, really. See, the reason why most dogs would bark or attack strangers or other dogs is because they're coming into your DOG's territory, not yours. Your dog likely registers itself as the dominant one in your "pack". Dog's don't see families like we do. They see packs. There's the leader and there's everyone else.I'd suggest checking out some episodes of "The Dog Whisperer." It's a very helpful and insightful show for dog owners everywhere. You can watch these shows on TV or download them from any decent torrent website. I hope this helps you. :)