Do German Shepherd and Alaskan Malamute get along?

Hi, I have a 1 1/2 year old Male german shepherd and a 9 week old male <a href="">Alaskan Malamute</a>...My GSD gets along with the puppy but the malamute tries and does bite my german shepherd and sometimes barks at him too.. Are they playing with each other??Is this…

    Do German Shepherd and Alaskan Malamute get along?

    Hi, I have a 1 1/2 year old Male german shepherd and a 9 week old male <a href="">Alaskan Malamute</a>...My GSD gets along with the puppy but the malamute tries and does bite my german shepherd and sometimes barks at him too.. Are they playing with each other??Is this…...
    Dog Breed Discussions : Do German Shepherd and Alaskan Malamute get along?...

    • Do German Shepherd and Alaskan Malamute get along?

      Do German Shepherd and Alaskan Malamute get along? Dog Breed Discussions
      Hi, I have a 1 1/2 year old Male german shepherd and a 9 week old male Alaskan Malamute...My GSD gets along with the puppy but the malamute tries and does bite my german shepherd and sometimes barks at him too.. Are they playing with each other??Is this normal? Should I let them play like this all the time?Thank you.

      Do German Shepherd and Alaskan Malamute get along?

      Do German Shepherd and Alaskan Malamute get along? Dog Breed Discussions
    • I bet the puppy is just nervous. My dog does the same thing at first when I bring her to see my boyfriends dog. After awhile she realizes he wont hurt her they run around the yard and play with each other.

    • The puppy is playing. The GSD will teach the pup more boundaries and also put the pup in his place. Monitor the playing and if either one gets too rough then separate, once calm allow the dogs to play again. Just don't leave the pup alone just yet as the pup could be easily injured by rough play.

    • Most Alaskan Malamutes will not tolerate another dog of the same sex, and some won't tolerate the opposite sex either. If anything goes wrong in the breeding, socializing, training, handling, or management of this breed, it is capable of seriously injuring or killing other animals.German Shepherd Dogs are also very dominant and as your Mal matures, he's going to test his boundaries and challenge your other dog. Be extra careful to avoid situations that may cause the dogs to fight.These breeds might not be the best mix but with a good handler and proper training, it is possible for them to get along.