could i have a siberian or an alaskan malamute with a small dog?

i have a 4 year old male shih tzu . he has taken socialization classes and gets along with large dogs at the park. he does have alot of energy though and i dont know if theyll find him annoying.i also jog alot so i need a companion i run around 9 - 12…

    could i have a siberian or an alaskan malamute with a small dog?

    i have a 4 year old male shih tzu . he has taken socialization classes and gets along with large dogs at the park. he does have alot of energy though and i dont know if theyll find him annoying.i also jog alot so i need a companion i run around 9 - 12…...
    Dog Breed Discussions : could i have a siberian or an alaskan malamute with a small dog?...

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    • could i have a siberian or an alaskan malamute with a small dog?

      could i have a siberian or an alaskan malamute with a small dog? Dog Breed Discussions
      i have a 4 year old male shih tzu . he has taken socialization classes and gets along with large dogs at the park. he does have alot of energy though and i dont know if theyll find him annoying.i also jog alot so i need a companion i run around 9 - 12 miles a week. so can i have a alaskan malamute or a siberian husky puppy that will get along with my shih tzu

      could i have a siberian or an alaskan malamute with a small dog?

      could i have a siberian or an alaskan malamute with a small dog? Dog Breed Discussions
    • The problem is that both those breeds have prey drive. There is NO guarantee that raising a dog from puppyhood will make the adult mature dog ok with a small dog. There are loads of cases of high prey drive dogs being raised from puppies and then eating the small dog or cat because it ran across the yard. If you are jogging on blacktop or concrete, then hook up with a runner's group and find a companion that way. Dogs are not meant to run on hard surfaces.

    • o yes they are both very friendly. just make sure it's a boy, as ive learned females can get protective over the opposite sex. and they will grow bigger. still, even then they can be trained with hard work to love each other. males will just hit it of if both breeds are friendly.i personally would go for the siberian, they're easier to train and theyll love you shih tzu after just a few months.

    • It depends, how they act with eachother. I have a yorkie and a husky, and in the begening. My husky would chase my yorkie because of that high prey drive. There fine now and they play together but i dont leave them alone if im out, i cant trust it 100%.

    • I would say no. I have two pure mals, two malmute crosses, my brother also has a mal. that lives with us.I have a small dog, a jack russel, and although there is usually no problems, I'm pretty sure the mals. see her as potential prey, they certainly don't accept her as part of the pack, there have been a few near misses where she would have, without doubt, been killed by one of the mals. if I weren't there.I dare not let them out of my sight when they are together, and they are always seperated if I have to leave them.But I live on a small holding, with loads of space, and secure pens when needed. (Mals jump and climb well)Malamutes are very cunning, and will act 'innocent' or indifferent to each other, or a small animal/dog then turn, in the blink of an eye.They go from play mode to fight mode or prey/kill mode very quickly.I am sick of unscrupulous breeders selling mals, very dishonestly, as being great with kids/dogs/cats/ placid, gentle etc. as this leads to people buying a mal with an unrealistic expectation, then ditching it when they realise a mals true nature.My jack russel is older by several yeas than any of the mals, and she adored them and played with them for many hours when they were pups, but a mal is a mal, with a strong prey drive, pack mentality, and unpredictable, as well as very strong.So I do not recommend it.Mals. are also Same sex dominant, stubborn and hyper-competative, I don't believe a shih tzu could hold it's own against a mal. It's a very bad idea.I adore mals, they are an amazing breed, it's so sad that so many people are led to believe they are something they are not, then have to get rid of them.I know that some mals do get along with cats/small dogs/rabbits etc, but it really isn't worth the risk. An adult mal could kill your little dog in a second

    • If the husky has been socialized around small dogs then it should be fine. They have a very high prey drive and tend to chase and even kill small animals, but a dog knows another dog so attacks on small dogs are considerably less common. Malamutes, unless properly trained and socialized, can be aggressive with other dogs in general.If you get an adult dog that has been well socialized or if you get a puppy that you socialize and train yourself it shouldn't be a problem.

    • My two Mals gets along great with the little dogs at the dog park or ones that we dog sit. At our puppy class the trainer really stressed bite inhibition and I think that's the key because my 100lb male will play pretty rough with a friend's Rat Terrier (15lbs) and nobody gets hurt.